Windows XP Hardware Diagnostics Question




I am running Windows XP Home Edition and having a problem. When I
start up the computer, the monitor screen appears pixelated. The
sequence gets as far as the Windows XP logo, then goes black.

I was able to run a Hardware Diagnostic from a CD that came with my
computer and it returned the following errors:

Video RAM Quick Test Failed
VGA graphics RAM Test Failed
SVGA graphica RAM Teat Failed

Is the problem with my video card? Do I need to replace it?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Bruce Chambers


I am running Windows XP Home Edition and having a problem. When I
start up the computer, the monitor screen appears pixelated. The
sequence gets as far as the Windows XP logo, then goes black.

I was able to run a Hardware Diagnostic from a CD that came with my
computer and it returned the following errors:

Video RAM Quick Test Failed
VGA graphics RAM Test Failed
SVGA graphica RAM Teat Failed

Is the problem with my video card? Do I need to replace it?

Well, that's certainly what the Hardware Diagnostics CD has told told
you. *THREE* times.


Bruce Chambers

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~ Denis Diderot



I am running Windows XP Home Edition and having a problem. When I
start up the computer, the monitor screen appears pixelated. The
sequence gets as far as the Windows XP logo, then goes black.

I was able to run a Hardware Diagnostic from a CD that came with my
computer and it returned the following errors:

Video RAM Quick Test Failed
VGA graphics RAM Test Failed
SVGA graphics RAM Test Failed

Is the problem with my video card? Do I need to replace it?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


You should try a hardware group where such problems are commonplace.
That said, you might see if there is removable RAM on the card. If so,
remove, then replace and see if that cleans the contacts.

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