Windows XP and Using Windows Explorer



Hello Everyone

This is my first time participating. I have Windows XP Professional and I have a question regarding Windows Explorer. I use Windows Explorer a lot because it clearly organizes all of the folders and I can see everything nicely when I want to update changes to documents in MS Word and MS Excel. I have noticed the following

When I try to open an MS Word document directly from Explorer, I get a little bell sound and a message saying that the document is already being used by Robert and would I like to make a copy.

When I try to open an MS Excel document directly from Explorer, I get a vociferous gong sound and a message saying that another file with the same name is already opened and that I can't open two documents with the same name, even if they are from different programs.

Why am I getting these messages? On Windows 98SE I never got these messages

If I open MS Word documents directly from Word, they open perfectly without sounds and messages. If I open MS Excel documents directly from Excel, they open perfectly without sounds and messages. I absolutely LOVE Windows XP, but I need some help understanding these situations.

I'll wait for your responses. Thank you very much for your time. Respectfully...Robert

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