Windows XP 64 and Doom3



I am getting a new PC to replace this old laptop. It will have Windows XP 64
bit. pre-installed.

Anyone know how well Doom3 plays with Windows XP Pro 64 bit?

I realize Windows XP Pro 64 bit is BRAND NEW but the company I ordered my PC
from­m/ and they have it listed as an option
for OS already.

I bought an AMD 64 3200+ with GeForce 6800.

NVIDIA does have 64 bit drivers on their website.

Any info on other current games and Windows XP 64?

Any help is appreciated.

Shenan Stanley

Nate said:
I am getting a new PC to replace this old laptop. It will have
Windows XP 64 bit. pre-installed.

Anyone know how well Doom3 plays with Windows XP Pro 64 bit?

I realize Windows XP Pro 64 bit is BRAND NEW but the company I
ordered my PC from­m/ and they have
it listed as an option for OS already.

I bought an AMD 64 3200+ with GeForce 6800.
NVIDIA does have 64 bit drivers on their website.

Any info on other current games and Windows XP 64?
Any help is appreciated.

So your OS, possibly the video drivers and a few other things are written
with 64bit code..
Is there a version of Doom3 for 64bit OSes? If not - my assumption would be
that you would notice no change in gameplay other than the fact that you may
have a faster CPU/More RAM and a better video card than you did before you
got the new system. heh

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