Windows Vista_x86_RC1(build 5782)



DOOM3, QUAKE 4 works in 5782 build, but would not work in build 5600. Kept
getting black screen in build 5600, the audio was fine but no video.


5782?!? Please tell me you mean 5728... though I'd hardly object to getting
a new version myself. Just hit my first 5728bug last night. It runs all my
games flawlessly though. Even WC3 audio!

Hugh Jass

I can't get online with Battlefield 2. Something about an O/S violation that
punkbuster picks up???

I can however play it single player just fine.


Sorry about that , it is 5728

cbhacking said:
5782?!? Please tell me you mean 5728... though I'd hardly object to getting
a new version myself. Just hit my first 5728bug last night. It runs all my
games flawlessly though. Even WC3 audio!

Jason Cambre

Yeah you need to run BF2 with admin privileges for Punkbuster anti-cheating
software to work. Otherwise you'd just have to join a multiplay server
without Punkbuster.

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