Windows Vista



Not very computer savy. Can someone give me the link to the discussion group
for the new Vista operating system here in I am trying
to figure out if I want Vista on a new computer. Thanks


Rick said:
Not very computer savy. Can someone give me the link to the discussion
group for the new Vista operating system here in I am
trying to figure out if I want Vista on a new computer. Thanks
How about subscribing to the Vista groups?
You are using OE 6 so its easy.
Left click on the folder in your Folders list.
In the next window click on button 'Newsgroups' - type in
'' and you will get a choice of 12 or more.
Click on the general or whatever you want and then click 'subscribe' then
click on OK.
Vista General should now be in the msnews Folder.


Mike Hall - MVP


Bear in mind that people go there only when they have problems, and that you
may or may not experience the same problems.

Run the Vista Upgrade advisor on your system to give you some idea of how
far off everything is. Then go to hardware manufacturer and software author
websites to check that Vista is compatible for sure and what it might cost
in the event that some of your stuff isn't and never will be compatible.

Unless your basic hardware is relatively new and high powered, do not expect
lightning fast performance. There is more to computing than just speed,
however. Vista has better security which takes some acclimatizing, and
better memory management among other things.

After having assessed all of the above, make your decision.


Rick said:
Not very computer savy. Can someone give me the link to the discussion
group for the new Vista operating system here in I am
trying to figure out if I want Vista on a new computer. Thanks
You say 'new computer' - is this brand new or an upgrade of existing one?
If new then everything should be compatible - if you read the threads in the
groups I have already suggested, and in partic the general, I think it is
fair to say that most of the probs have happened to those upgrading from XP
to Vista. Plus there was, and may still be, probs with the Windows Mail,
mainly to do with the deleting from default folders(it didn't work) - there
have been work rounds for this though.



Rick said:
Not very computer savy. Can someone give me the link to the
discussion group for the new Vista operating system here in I am trying to figure out if I want Vista on a
new computer. Thanks

Be aware, however, that there are at least two individuals posting there who
have some kind of pathology at work and post negative comments about Vista
several times a day.

There is another poor soul who takes every opportunity to promote Ubangi
(some kind of Linux distribution, I think) as the salvation of all ills.
Again, several times a day.

That said, expert technical help is available. I just don't want you to
confuse decibel level with dissatisfaction.

As to your original question, whether you should get Vista on a new
computer, my suggestion is a qualified "Yes."

First, assuming the new computer can support Vista, you'll get better
protection from all manner of nastiness. Second, you'll have to go to Vista
eventually anyway, so why pay later for something free today?

Vista does NOT support SOME ancient hardware and SOME ancient software.

Ken Blake, MVP


Bear in mind that people go there only when they have problems, and that you
may or may not experience the same problems.

Rick should also be aware that the Vista newsgroups are heavily
burdened with anti-Vista trolls who do nothing but attack Vista at
every opportunity, and promote their own agenda, which is usually
either Linux or Windows XP.

Rick, you should make your decisions, of course, but be careful not to
take as gospel every word that you read there, whether it's against
Vista or for it. There is a *lot* of misinformation flying around


Rick should also be aware that the Vista newsgroups are heavily
burdened with anti-Vista trolls who do nothing but attack Vista at
every opportunity, and promote their own agenda, which is usually
either Linux or Windows XP.

My mistake - should have thought about the 'health warning' when venturing
into Vista groups.
Should I mention it does make things more bearable in XP :) with their



Thanks everyone. It will be a new computer package, probably from Best or
Circuit. So all the hardware will be compatible. I might keep my HPDeskjet
882C if they tell me it will work. Why I was asking is because I stopped in
at my local computer store today and seen what they had. They put together
their own towers and suggested that I, if I purchase from them, have them
install WindowsXp because no body liked the new Vista operating system.
Thanks again

PA Bear

Vista-specific newsgroups include:


If you can get a pc package at a comparable price from that local computer
store, go with it and XP, you'll be happy you did.

Ken Blake, MVP

Thanks everyone. It will be a new computer package, probably from Best

Best Buy? Ugh!

Circuit City? Ugh again! I think those kinds of big box stores are the
worst places to buy computers.

So all the hardware will be compatible. I might keep my HPDeskjet
882C if they tell me it will work. Why I was asking is because I stopped in
at my local computer store today and seen what they had. They put together
their own towers and suggested that I, if I purchase from them, have them
install WindowsXp because no body liked the new Vista operating system.

Not at all true. I run Vista on my main machine here, and I like it
fine. I know many other people who also like it.

However, it's also true that there are other people who don't like it.
But whenever a new operating system comes out, the same is true. Some
people like it and others don't. It takes time to get accustomed to
change, and many people make up their minds too quickly without taking
the time to learn and understand what's different, why it's different,
and where the improvements are.


Jerry said:
If you can get a pc package at a comparable price from that local
computer store, go with it and XP, you'll be happy you did.

Even if the store flat-out lied by telling him:

"... if I purchase from them, have them install WindowsXp because no body
liked the new Vista operating system."


Thanks again to everyone. Must of hit a sore spot. I thought maybe it was
too complicated for people to learn after XP, and maybe didn't like the way
the windows looked, etc. I know when I first installed Microsoft Internet
7.0, then I uninstalled it. I didn't like the way the icons at the top
looked and a couple of other things. But since then I have went back and
reinstalled it again. It's fine once you get used to it, I guess.

Mike Hall - MVP


I did as you did, uninstalling IE7 within a few minutes. It is just a case
of learning different conventions and, once learned, going back is akin to
entering a dark age..


Rick said:
Thanks again to everyone. Must of hit a sore spot. I thought maybe it was
too complicated for people to learn after XP, and maybe didn't like the
way the windows looked, etc. I know when I first installed Microsoft
Internet 7.0, then I uninstalled it. I didn't like the way the icons at
the top looked and a couple of other things. But since then I have went
back and reinstalled it again. It's fine once you get used to it, I guess.

I can guarantee you won't like Vista Mail.

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