Windows Messenger is a mess!



I just converted to XP from WinMe. Why am I having these
problems with Windows Messenger. I have to re-instll it
once so far, and still have the following going on, even
making certain that my new import contact list would be up
to date. Also, why upon importation is every contact ever
made in the past added to the privacy page?? 1) I am
unable to delete contacts that keep coming up on their own
and have already been blocked and deleted in the past.
When I do delete again, I get an error message that says it
cannot be "done at this time" try later. It then
automatically signs out and when I sign back in, the delete
takes place---this happens over and over. I have added the
same contact at least 50 times now and it keeps deleting it
after saying I was successful in adding them and then goes
into a sign out and adds the contact when I sign back in.
I have also had contacts posted under the wrong email
address. Why am I unable to un-install prior to getting a
clean re-install. I am now upgraded to 4.7.2009 from the
4.7 I had originally and it is doing the same thing. I am
unable to take the icon off of the taskbar once I sign out,
being told that it is being used with other applications in
Outlook Express, MSN Explorer, or IE even though those
programs are closed. I used to get this same error message
with my WinMe in the beginning but was able to disable this
somehow. Please can anyone help me? I am going nuts with
this program!

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Rosie,

All contacts are in the Privacy tab, either on the Blocked or Allow lists, this is a
fundamental design of the .NET Messenger network.

1 -- A few accounts are having this problem at the moment; the problem is being investigated.

As for not being able to close Windows Messenger, do you have Norton Antivirus installed?
Recent versions of Norton Antivirus added a new "instant messaging scanning" feature, which
can conflict with Messenger and cause this behavior. To stop it, open Norton Antivirus
(Right-click on the Norton Antivirus icon in the System Tray/Notification Area (by the
clock), choose 'Open Norton Antivirus'), click Options, then Instant Messenger then uncheck
MSN Instant Messenger and click OK.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.

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