Windows Media Player keeps closing down!



I'm halfway through loading my CD collection on to my
computer, and I put in a CD, and it starts saying there's
an error everytime I put a CD in! It won't read it to play
it any way I try to go through it. The player will play
the tracks that are already saved to the computer's
library, but nothing of a CD. And this is all of a sudden.
How did I kill it and how do I fix it?


Thanks for the response. I forgot to mention that the CD
player will read one of my previously loaded CDs. It's
just the other ones it doesn't like. Any other ideas?


Your other CD's are not finalised correctly. Did you burn your other disks
in one go or in multi-session ?

I'm not sure if ¨XP can finalise a disk by itself without burning a it
first. Nero can.

| Thanks for the response. I forgot to mention that the CD
| player will read one of my previously loaded CDs. It's
| just the other ones it doesn't like. Any other ideas?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >You need to experiment. Replace (or get someone to do it)
| your current CD
| >player with another one. If that one works, your player
| has gone to the big
| >CD works in the sky. Replace it, they're not that
| expensive nowadays. You
| >could try a CD lens cleaner ... but ... !
| >
| >Cheers,
| >Jerry
| >
| >| >| I'm halfway through loading my CD collection on to my
| >| computer, and I put in a CD, and it starts saying
| there's
| >| an error everytime I put a CD in! It won't read it to
| play
| >| it any way I try to go through it. The player will play
| >| the tracks that are already saved to the computer's
| >| library, but nothing of a CD. And this is all of a
| sudden.
| >| How did I kill it and how do I fix it?
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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