Windows Media Player 9 Not saving URL or Files

  • Thread starter Michael Cintado
  • Start date

Michael Cintado

everytime I open a URL or a file in Windows Media Player
9, The program will not save them, The resent file list is
completedly grayed out and doesn't show a file on it, And
when I open a URL, The URL isnt saved either, The Save
file and URL History in the player has a check on it, I
even tried installing Windows Media Player 10, But the
same problem acures, I don't know if its a registry issue,
If so, Please help?

Mike Williams [MVP]

Michael said:
everytime I open a URL or a file in Windows Media Player
9, The program will not save them, The resent file list is
completedly grayed out and doesn't show a file on it, And
when I open a URL, The URL isnt saved either, The Save
file and URL History in the player has a check on it, I
even tried installing Windows Media Player 10, But the
same problem acures, I don't know if its a registry issue,
If so, Please help?

Do you have any TweakUI Privacy or paranoia settings that might prevent
recently used lists from accruing?


Well, I installed TweakUI and there is no privacy or
Paranoia settings, Btw, Im using winXP Pro with SP2, When
I go to run and then do mplayer2, The old windows media
6.4 saves the url or files, But it wont work on WMP9 nor
even WMP10, Somethings gota be wrong cause I have the
check on safe file or URL in player and its not saving

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