Windows freezes for no reason



My computer sometimes freezes when I try to open up the start menu and click
off, close a window, right-click on a program on the task bar, or just
clicking off of a window. I think it may be a virus but my anti-virus program
says that there are none. Please help me, I realy need to resolve this issue.


In Allen <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
My computer sometimes freezes when I try to open up the start menu
and click off, close a window, right-click on a program on the task
bar, or just clicking off of a window. I think it may be a virus but
my anti-virus program says that there are none. Please help me, I
realy need to resolve this issue.

There are more types of malware than just viruses. First I'd start with a
nice clean PC. Basically I'd check for, and remove, any malware found. I'd
clean out the temp files and defrag the system once it was clean. Assuming
that none of that worked then I'd use a tool, task manager > processes tab
(or something like process explorer), to find out where my resources were
going and I'd try to do something about that next by either finding an
alternative or updating the applications as well as ridding myself of any
un-needed running processes and making sure they don't start backup at boot

Malware Cleaning :

Sysinternals Freeware - Process Explorer:

Disk CleanUp:


"But there are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world
without them."

Sherlock Holmes

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