Windows Forms Parking Window peventing PC from Turning Off



I installed IE7 a few weeks ago and around the same time I noticed
that when I 'TurnOff' my PC I get a message saying that
WindowsFormsParkingWindow can't close - End Now / Cancel

As just about every app. seems not to want to close, ages ago I
installed the fix from Kelly's Korner that forces the PC to shut
However, when I get the WindowsFormsParkingWindow error, my PC sort-of
hangs. I can use the mouse to click on End Now, and whilst the error
window disappears, the PC freezes and the only option is to hit the
power button.

I have noted that an HP app. can cause this problem. I do not have any
HP software/hardware on my PC.

Any suggestions please?


Wesley Vogel


The majority of links in Google all seem to point to a badly written
programme causing this error. However I also found about half a dozen
people who said this:-

For those having problems with the WindowsFormsParkingWindow in xp (ie
shutdown). Make sure you don't have HP Image Zone Fast Start (hpqthb08.exe)
in your startup folder.

hpqthb08.exe is HP Image Zone Fast Start.

It supposedly...
[[Improves the startup time of HP Image Zone. If you disable it, HP Image
Zone takes a long time to start up only the first time you run it.
Subsequent startups are much faster than the first time]]

But it does cause problems now, doesn't it?

hpqthb08.exe is not required to run at startup. If needed it can be run

Has something to do with poorly written applacations that use .NET.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Thanks Wes

I don't have any HP apps on my PC.
The file hpqthb08.exe does not reside on any drive attached to my PC.

The problem started around the same time as I upgraded to IE7, which
may or may not be a coincidence..

Any other thoughts?


Wesley Vogel


IE7 may or may not be a coincidence. <shrug> IE7 seems to be causing more
than its share of problems.

WindowsFormsParkingWindow also has something to do with poorly written
applications that use .NET. Have you added any other software lately?

Start in Safe Mode and then shut down and see if you have the problem.

msconfig.exe is the System Configuration Utility and you can use it for
troubleshooting startups. Which can also affect shutdown.

You can try disabling the first half of the startup entries, reboot and then
shutdown and see if you still have the problem.

After rebooting, if you do not have whatever problem, you have narrowed it
down to that half of the disabled items. Depending on how many startups you
have, you can re-enable some and reboot. Or re-enable one item at a time
and reboot. Keep doing one or the other until you have found the culprit.

After rebooting, if you still have whatever problem after disabling the
first half of the startup items, re-enable that half and disable the second
half and reboot. Depending on how many startups you have, you can re-enable
some and reboot. Or re-enable one item at a time and reboot. Keep doing
one or the other until you have found the culprit.

Do NOT use msconfig to change your services.

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

You might try this...

Read the instructions at the top.
76. Right hand side
Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown

shutdown.reg is the file you want.

Reboot after you have merged the shutdown.reg file.

shutdown.reg does the following:

* Sets ClearPageFileAtShutdown to 0.
If ClearPageFileAtShutdown is set to 1, shutdown takes a *long* time.

* Sets AutoEndTasks to 1.
Processes end automatically. The system does *NOT* wait until the process
ends, and, the process will *NOT* take more time than the value of the
HungAppTimeout entry, the End Task dialog box does *NOT* appear, stating
that the application cannot respond to the End Task request.

* Sets WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 1000 (1 second).
Determines how long the system waits for services to stop after notifying
the service that the system is shutting down. The Default value is 20000
(20 seconds).

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Pete said:
Thanks Wes

I don't have any HP apps on my PC.
The file hpqthb08.exe does not reside on any drive attached to my PC.

The problem started around the same time as I upgraded to IE7, which
may or may not be a coincidence..

Any other thoughts?



The majority of links in Google all seem to point to a badly written
programme causing this error. However I also found about half a dozen
people who said this:-

For those having problems with the WindowsFormsParkingWindow in xp (ie
shutdown). Make sure you don't have HP Image Zone Fast Start
(hpqthb08.exe) in your startup folder.

hpqthb08.exe is HP Image Zone Fast Start.

It supposedly...
[[Improves the startup time of HP Image Zone. If you disable it, HP Image
Zone takes a long time to start up only the first time you run it.
Subsequent startups are much faster than the first time]]

But it does cause problems now, doesn't it?

hpqthb08.exe is not required to run at startup. If needed it can be run

Has something to do with poorly written applacations that use .NET.


Many thanks Wes.

On sunday I updated Retrospect (backup) from their website.
Since doing this, the error has not (yet) happened again.
Fingers crossed!
It also resolved (to some extent) bluetooth problems I've been having.

Thanks for your help.
Best wishes

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