Windows explorer



Windows explorer will not open, it gives me an error meassge of: "Data
Execution Prevention - Microsoft Windows" and the message says that "To
protect your computer, Windows has closed this program". I've run my
up-to-date virus software (AVG) and spybot and it doesn't pick up anything.
I'm tempted to re-install Windows, but I was wondering if anyone has any
ideas why this is happening?
Thanks in (hopeful) advance


I have this problem too? But where can I find an up-dated download for
windows explorer. as this is the program that is causing the problem>

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Windows Explorer never causes the DEP problem. It's the third-party add-ons
(in the form of shell extensions, toolbars and browser helper objects) which
cause the error.


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

I have this problem too? But where can I find an up-dated download for
windows explorer. as this is the program that is causing the problem>

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