windows explorer file turns blue



The font of one of my document files has turned blue. All other files are
black. I have xp2002. Under properties the file type is FILE. It is quite
large 9.67GB. When I try to open it I get the pop up to choose a program.
None work. I dont know whats on it. It was created nov2004. What to do?

Bruce Chambers

ammska said:
The font of one of my document files has turned blue. All other files are
black. I have xp2002. Under properties the file type is FILE. It is quite
large 9.67GB. When I try to open it I get the pop up to choose a program.
None work. I dont know whats on it. It was created nov2004. What to do?

By design, WinXP automatically compresses files that do not get used
frequently, and, if you've left the default settings intact, displays
those files in blue.

If you wish to change this behavior, in Windows Explorer, click
Tools > Folder Options > View > Advanced settings: Show encrypted or
compressed NTFS files in color.


Bruce Chambers

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Sound like this file has no extention, in which case you need to know what
program to use.

It could be anything, from a disk image, or backup archive created by some
backup software.

Do you use, or is there an automated backup software on your PC?

ammska said:
I cannot see what extension it has. How can I open this file. Thank you
very much


hmmm, a 9GB bitmap file?

Normally just about any picture viewing software will open it, Windows
Picture and Fax viewer, (usually the default viewer for this type), Paint,
Photoshop, Corel, etc...

Maybe someone else could answer this, I really don't know but your PC might
choke on such a large bitmap file. It would probably take quite a long time
to load and display. I mean several minutes if not longer, in which time you
PC may appear frozen.

Anyone know the answer to this?

If you do manage to open it you might want to try saving it as a jpg, (if
you find you want to keep it), unless you need the original bmp file.

Though I still think it might be something else.

Good luck.

ammska said:
I just found the extension. It is .bmp. Can you help me open it. Thank

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