Removed Defender using Add Remove in Cont panel.
Attempted reinstallation; stopped.
Error message: "Another installation is in progress. You must complete that
installation before continuing this one".
Search registy for "defender"; found it in numerous locations
Tried to run "windows installer clean up installation wizard" and "Error
1500. Another installation is in progress. you must complete that
installation before continuing this one."
Security: Symantic Endpoint Protection on Windows XP Pro, SP3
Attempted reinstallation; stopped.
Error message: "Another installation is in progress. You must complete that
installation before continuing this one".
Search registy for "defender"; found it in numerous locations
Tried to run "windows installer clean up installation wizard" and "Error
1500. Another installation is in progress. you must complete that
installation before continuing this one."
Security: Symantic Endpoint Protection on Windows XP Pro, SP3