Windows 2003 shutdown.exe on Win2k server?



Would it be okay to use shutdown.exe from Windows 2003 or Windows XP on a Win2k server? I have been having problems with shutdown.exe not shutting down the server since I downloaded the critical security packs a couple of weeks ago. It gives an error message "Unable to shutdown the specified server. Reasons may include: 1. You misspelled the computer name. 2. The computer is not a Windows NT computer. 3. You do not have sufficient access to reboot the computer. 4. The computer cannot be found on the network." I have used the same task in task manager for years without a problem. I run this task on each of the 3 win2k sp4 servers I have. It is not run remotely. Since I cannot find other answers, I thought maybe a newer version of shutdown.exe might solve the problem.

Jerold Schulman

Would it be okay to use shutdown.exe from Windows 2003 or Windows XP on a Win2k server? I have been having problems with shutdown.exe not shutting down the server since I downloaded the critical security packs a couple of weeks ago. It gives an error message "Unable to shutdown the specified server. Reasons may include: 1. You misspelled the computer name. 2. The computer is not a Windows NT computer. 3. You do not have sufficient access to reboot the computer. 4. The computer cannot be found on the network." I have used the same task in task manager for years without a problem. I run this task on each of the 3 win2k sp4 servers I have. It is not run remotely. Since I cannot find other answers, I thought maybe a newer version of shutdown.exe might solve the problem.

Try using PsShutdown first, tip 4086 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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