I have some problem regarding usb thumb drive.
When i boot up my system (win XP or XPe) with my usb thumb drive inserted, i
would get a 0x0000007B error and my system would keep on restart. There is no
way to enter OS unless i take out my USB thumb drive.
1) Is this problem related to win XP or XPe OS??
2) I'm am using Phoenix bios 4.0 release 6. Could this also be the problem??
Please help. Thanks
I have some problem regarding usb thumb drive.
When i boot up my system (win XP or XPe) with my usb thumb drive inserted, i
would get a 0x0000007B error and my system would keep on restart. There is no
way to enter OS unless i take out my USB thumb drive.
1) Is this problem related to win XP or XPe OS??
2) I'm am using Phoenix bios 4.0 release 6. Could this also be the problem??
Please help. Thanks