in you example of using msconfig to disable some startup items is what causes the icon.
why, probably because msconfig requires uac approval to run.
try running msconfig using the RUN box and see.
it is one of the defects in UAC to not have a method to permanently allow programs to run.
it was apparently impossible for ms programmers to tell the difference in keyboard command and programmed command.
the solution is simple, do not use MSCONFIG for a permanent solution to startup program control.
(e-mail address removed)
Rock said:
When the icon appears in the notification area you click on it, and pint
to the run blocked program option to see what program(s) was blocked and
give it permission to run if you want.
Error message when you reach the Windows Vista Desktop: "Windows has
blocked some startup programs"
I also posted a workaround in the post to which you replied.
Rock.......... thanks for the info and the link. However, I don't think Tim
and I are being understood at all. The problem IS the NOTIFICATION ICON,
nothing else. We don't need or want it popping up continuously, and there
seems to be no way to get rid of it. As Tim said, we'll just have to live
with this indefinitely, or until someone really understands the question.
If you really want to see what we're talking about, uncheck some of your
startup items using msconfig. The next time you boot up, you'll see this
stupid notification which really means nothing!
Anyway, thanks Rock for your help. Keep up the fine work.