Win XP - Zone alarm



I have this problem! I have installed Zone Alarm on my PC. After a
couple of days, I could not start my PC anymore: even before XP starts
I get a load error. The computer asks to hit the keyboard but finally
XP does not start. I cannot even start the computer in Safe Mode, I
cannot do anything. Do you have any clue?
Thanks Mauro


You could try using the system from a Linux CD that contains a version
of Linux, such as Knoppix, that runs from the CD without being

Or, if you have another PC with Windows XP, create a BartPE boot CD.

See this page for information on both options:

Performing a repair installation from the XP installation CD, according
to the info on the above-mentioned page might fix the problem if it
isn't caused by hardware failure, such as a failing hard drive.

PC Buyer Beware!


I have this problem! I have installed Zone Alarm on my PC. After a
couple of days, I could not start my PC anymore: even before XP starts
I get a load error. The computer asks to hit the keyboard but finally
XP does not start. I cannot even start the computer in Safe Mode, I
cannot do anything. Do you have any clue?
Thanks Mauro

Have you also contacted Zone Alarm tech support?

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