Win XP SP3 permission related error



Dear All,

While installing Win XP SP3 on Win XP SP2 machine I'm getting error" You do
not have permission to upgrade". I have logged in as a local administrator.
Please suggest which permission we need to change to install WIN XP SP3

Kamlesh Ambre

Leonard Grey

Go and ask your Systems Administrator.
That is why your Managing Director employed him; to fix things like this.
He is a very nice man, we went to Oxford together.


Kamlesh wrote:

(snip multipost)

Asked and answered in the other newsgroup to which you posted. Please don't
multipost; it makes more work for everyone and will get you *less* help,
not more. See this for why: - multiposting

If you have forgotten where you posted or can't find your post, use Google
Groups Advanced Search and search for your name.

To make things easy for you, here is the answer I gave you in the other

Error message when you try to install WinXP SP3: "Access is denied" or
?Service Pack installation did not complete?

Free unlimited installation and compatibility support is available for
Windows XP, but only for Service Pack 3 (SP3), until 14 Apr-09. Chat and
e-mail support is available only in the United States and Canada.

US -
CA -
UK -
AU -
Other - | select
Windows XP | select Windows XP Service Pack 3


Leonard Grey

And once again, Murphy is impersonating me.

To bring people up to date:

I am the real Leonard Grey. The rude post copied below was not created
by me. It was created by a disturbed individual named Murphy.

Murphy is a very angry person, and he is apparently suffering side
effects from taking Rimonabant (brand name: Zimultri, produced by
Sanofi-Adventis.) Rimonabant is an anti-obesity drug that has been
documented by the United States FDA to cause severe depression.

Murphy's game is to try to impersonate people in these newsgroups, and
then make rude and even revolting posts in their names. He's done it to
nass, he's done it to me, and to others. Unfortunately, there's nothing
anyone can do about it, AFAIK.

It's not hard to tell the difference between posts made me - the real
me - and Murphy's impersonation. I never make posts like the ones Murphy
makes in my name. And I don't post from the MS web interface, as Murphy

I won't post to this thread again, so any subsequent posts in this
thread that have my name on them are coming from Murphy.

To the OP: I'm sorry this mess has gotten in the way of your getting the
answer you need. Please understand there's nothing I can do about it.

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