Win 2000 Reboots



ON the boot I can only get to the Windows 2000 splash
screen and after the status bar has gone to 100% the
computer reboots itself over and over. It does exactly
the same thing in safe mode. Is there someway to fix this
without reloading the OS and losing all of my data?


This exact same thing just started happening to me. Only
recent changes were Windows/Office Updates and Mozilla
upgrade. First restart since those. Computer loads to 100%
load on splash screen, then reboots indefinitely.

I need immediate assistance, as I have hotel reservation
information in Outlook that I need to print out - leaving
tomorrow morning.

URGENT! Please respond ASAP. URGENT!

Dennis van der Meer

I also had this problem once at a customer. Ofcourse there wasn't a
rescue-disk available and I was unable to do anything with regard to
repairing the damage. The only course of action was a install over the
old install. It will keep all the apps intact (or at least it did in
my case. There might be replaced dll's that can cause problems) but
you'll have to reinstall all patches + service packs that were
installed on the machine. How this can happen I don't know. I let
Windows check for file system corruption and it was unable to detect
anything. I hope this helps.



I, too, had to reinstall. Strange. Computing & Tech. had
required we run a CD they produced with fixblast.exe, etc.
on it before they would allow our computers to connect to
the network here at school. Also running Norton Antivirus
Corporate Edition, and it was up to date.

Very random. I've lost all of my emails and contacts, but
that is a small loss. At least the computer is running.

Thanks for your help.

Daniel Chang [MSFT]

Performing an upgrade in place may have resolved your issue:

292175 How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Windows 2000

306952 What an In-Place Windows 2000 Upgrade Changes and What It Does Not

238359 Differences Between Manual and Fast Repair in Windows

I'm not sure what you mean by losing your emails and contacts. If you're
using Outlook Express:

270670 OLEXP: How to Back Up and Recover Outlook Express Data

209169 OLEXP: How to Create and Use Identities in Outlook Express 5.x and

Daniel Chang, MCSE (NT4, 2000)
Server Setup Group

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Visit the Windows 2000 Homepage at
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Why not uncheck Automatically reboot for a BSOD?

in message Performing an upgrade in place may have resolved your issue:

292175 How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Windows 2000

306952 What an In-Place Windows 2000 Upgrade Changes and
What It Does Not

238359 Differences Between Manual and Fast Repair in Windows

I'm not sure what you mean by losing your emails and
contacts. If you're
using Outlook Express:

270670 OLEXP: How to Back Up and Recover Outlook Express

209169 OLEXP: How to Create and Use Identities in Outlook
Express 5.x and

Daniel Chang, MCSE (NT4, 2000)
Server Setup Group

Search our Knowledge Base at
Visit the Windows 2000 Homepage at
See the Windows NT Homepage at

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