Will WGA shut down Legit XP Users? Yes



Jon said:
The tooth fairy has also been hired to replace everyone's XP cd with one
with WGA preinstalled - in the middle of the night when we are all

If what Ed Bott wrote is factual as reported here in ZDNet,
http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/index.php?p=84, then it will come
pretty cose to an etheral injection of WGA. The computer will
have to be stay on, one night, for the nefarious download of
WGA (Revision X) to take place.

Tim Slattery

Alias said:
From: http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/4794/53/

"However, there is now a rumour doing the rounds that Microsoft may use
WGA to disable pirated versions of Windows.

Those of us using genuine copies of Windows should not worry - or should
we? Some pundits have suggested that WGA may get it wrong on some
occasions and disable computers running genuine copies of Windows. After
all it is only a software program."

The fact is that this thing cannot do anything to benefit you. It
tries to ascertain that you're running a valid copy of the OS. If it
decides that you're not, it flashes messages at you - for the moment.
This rumor says that MS will change it to disable the OS if it's

It cannot to anything to make your system run better or to benefit you
in any way. So why put it on your computer?


Anyone from a race of people that far advanced would at least be using
Windows SP (Space Patrol).



It may well be worth recalling that "Ghostrider said:
If what Ed Bott wrote is factual as reported here in ZDNet,
http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/index.php?p=84, then it will come
pretty cose to an etheral injection of WGA. The computer will
have to be stay on, one night, for the nefarious download of
WGA (Revision X) to take place.

Good article.

Must admit, I do sometimes wonder if some of these critical updates do
exactly what they say on the tin. If the "ethereal injection" were to take
place, would it have "wga" written on its cover? And if I were being really
really paranoid, I might suspect that the injection has already taken place,
ready to be turned on at the appropriate time. Sleep well tonight folks.


Tim said:
The fact is that this thing cannot do anything to benefit you. It
tries to ascertain that you're running a valid copy of the OS. If it
decides that you're not, it flashes messages at you - for the moment.
This rumor says that MS will change it to disable the OS if it's

It cannot to anything to make your system run better or to benefit you
in any way. So why put it on your computer?

From ZDNet's wires:


If WGA becomes a requirement, then one shall install it. And
while I believe that Microsoft has the rights to check on its
licenses, it is the false positives that become bothersome and
the remedy has to be better than manual re-activation every time
it should happen. The "kill switch" just might be that one bridge
too far.


It cannot to anything to make your system run better or to benefit you
in any way. So why put it on your computer?

It can't ?!?! But M$ says it will protect me, and make my XP experience
better, and allow me to d/l other stupid little utilities I have no use

(complete sarcasm)


Klaatu barada nikto
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The phrase "Klaatu barada nikto" originates from the 1951 Cold-War-era
science fiction film The Day The Earth Stood Still. The phrase "Gort! Klaatu
barada nikto!" was used to stop Gort, the robot in the film, from destroying
the world.
There is no known translation for the phrase, although "Klaatu" is the name
of the humanoid alien protagonist in the film.


Learn first, speak after.



Klaatu barada nikto
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The phrase "Klaatu barada nikto" originates from the 1951 Cold-War-era
science fiction film The Day The Earth Stood Still. The phrase "Gort!
Klaatu barada nikto!" was used to stop Gort, the robot in the film,
from destroying the world.
There is no known translation for the phrase, although "Klaatu" is the
name of the humanoid alien protagonist in the film.


Learn first, speak after.


Well I didn't say what it was. But you've got to admit, if it was Klingon
that would explain a lot.

Steve N.

Ronnie said:
<I need my computer
for my livelihood.> <snipped>

You sure could have fooled me? I don't understand how you get
anything else done since you seem to spend most of your life pushing
this same old tired agenda on these newsgroups?

I think we have heard just about everything you have to say on the
subject of WGA, how about giving it a rest. :)

Where is the "Slap" key on my keyboard? :)

Steve N.


Good find

Looking through these pages WGA seems to be causing one heck of a lo
of problems... for an operating system that has many flaws and ha
to have patches after patches, not mentioning the time it took t
discover the flaws in MS Word

I never allow automatic updates whether vital or not and no harm ha
ever come to me - since ditching Exploder & Outlook and certainl
don't trust XP firewall.... about as useful as a chocolate fireguard

Will Vista be any better.....? We know the launch has been delayed ~
so why all this WGA business with Xp, or is it gonna be like X
patches after patches, sounds a little odd so much time is bein

MS is not the only pebble on the beach..... ever thought of getting
spare hard drive and a different operating system

MS ought to give Xp free with Cornflake
for the flaws it contains


Steve N.

Tim said:
ROFTL!!!! Precedes the Klingons by at least a decade.

A local deli in Newport, Oregon with a great outdoor crab cooker has the
actual spaceship prop, including the robot, used in that movie mounted
outside on a tin-roof cover over the crap cooker, that and one the plant
thing props from Invasion of the Body Snatchers next to the picnic tables.

Steve N.

Richard Urban

And, just who is this "authority" that posted this. Anyone can post damn
near anything they want on a blog. Only fools would think that just because
it is written, it is true.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Rhonda Lea Kirk

Steve said:
Where is the "Slap" key on my keyboard? :)

It's done this way:

<deleted> wrote:


But it's really not very nice. Funny. But not nice.


Rhonda Lea Kirk

Insisting on perfect safety is for people
without the balls to live in the real world.
Mary Shafer Iliff


Actually, it's a very famous line, spoken by Michael Rennie, from a great
1951 Sci-Fi movie called "The Day the Earth Stood Still."

Go to www.imdb.com and search for the title.



(e-mail address removed) (Davy) wrote:

|>Good find.
|>Looking through these pages WGA seems to be causing one heck of a lot
|>of problems... for an operating system that has many flaws and has
|>to have patches after patches, not mentioning the time it took to
|>discover the flaws in MS Word.

How to disable or uninstall WGA

Must be a lot of complaints...

|>I never allow automatic updates whether vital or not and no harm has
|>ever come to me - since ditching Exploder & Outlook and certainly
|>don't trust XP firewall.... about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

My updates are disable'd as well, I haven't had the WGA drama others
have :)


Davy said:
Good find.

Looking through these pages WGA seems to be causing one heck of a lot
of problems... for an operating system that has many flaws and has
to have patches after patches, not mentioning the time it took to
discover the flaws in MS Word.

I never allow automatic updates whether vital or not and no harm has
ever come to me - since ditching Exploder & Outlook and certainly
don't trust XP firewall.... about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

Will Vista be any better.....? We know the launch has been delayed ~
so why all this WGA business with Xp, or is it gonna be like Xp
patches after patches, sounds a little odd so much time is being

MS is not the only pebble on the beach..... ever thought of getting a
spare hard drive and a different operating system.

MS ought to give Xp free with Cornflakes
for the flaws it contains.


The way things are going for Microsoft, any OS that it produces
will be seriously flawed, be subjected to attacks and will take
at least 4 Service Packs to get it to look right. Vista is not
expected to be any different. Factually, the last major change
Microsoft made to its OS's was Windows NT 4.0, and it took 6 SP's
to get to the penultimate version. Windows 2000 is considered to
be its SP7 and even Windows 2000 went to 4 SP's. And the jury is
still out on Windows XP.

But if WGA shuts down anyone's Windows XP, the route to upgrading
to Vista is also ended. Surely, the purpose for Microsoft to take
such a hard line on WGA is to insure that only "genuine" versions
of XP gets upgraded. In reality, it would probably be only those
that are still functioning, i,e,m not killed, that will be able to
take the upgrade route. Hence, the upgrade paths to Vista seems to
require buying a new system with Vista already installed, with the
retail box approach being expected to be even more expensive than
that for Windows XP today.

The middle-road alternative is starting to look better. Vista is not
expected to perform better than XP but with XP being updated into
oblivion, it leaves very little. Linux, SCO-Unix, SPARC, X-Windows,


Good find.

Looking through these pages WGA seems to be causing one heck of a lot
of problems... for an operating system that has many flaws and has
to have patches after patches, not mentioning the time it took to
discover the flaws in MS Word.

I never allow automatic updates whether vital or not and no harm has
ever come to me - since ditching Exploder & Outlook and certainly
don't trust XP firewall.... about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

Will Vista be any better.....? We know the launch has been delayed ~
so why all this WGA business with Xp, or is it gonna be like Xp
patches after patches, sounds a little odd so much time is being

MS is not the only pebble on the beach..... ever thought of getting a
spare hard drive and a different operating system.

MS ought to give Xp free with Cornflakes
for the flaws it contains.


Well it is a toy operating system. Distributing it at the bottom of a
CrackerJack box would be another good way to get it out to the masses.

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