Why doesn't the From, Sent, To, Cc and Subject lines print?



I always print and fiile my Sent and Rec'd msgs, but all of a suddent the
From, Sent, To, Cc and Subject lines don't print any more, and so I have no
information on the date, time, the recipient of the subject on my prints. I
have to hand write them in.


If you are using IE7 this is becoming a common problem. Our firm
currently prints everything after being sent so we have the header
information for our files; we also print all incoming emails. We
noticed that occasionally a message header was missing after installing
IE7. Choices at this point are: going back to IE6 or forwarding the
problem email to yourself which them drops the missing message header
back in.

Good luck,


Yes, I am using IE7. But the problem isn't consistent. I thought it might
have to do with rich text or HTML. But I have followed your suggestion in
the past (sending to myself) but it's not the greatest way... Thanks!

wannahorse said:
If you are using IE7 this is becoming a common problem. Our firm
currently prints everything after being sent so we have the header
information for our files; we also print all incoming emails. We
noticed that occasionally a message header was missing after installing
IE7. Choices at this point are: going back to IE6 or forwarding the
problem email to yourself which them drops the missing message header
back in.

Good luck,
And your Outlook configuration would be...?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

I always print and fiile my Sent and Rec'd msgs, but all of a suddent the
From, Sent, To, Cc and Subject lines don't print any more, and so I have no
information on the date, time, the recipient of the subject on my prints. I
have to hand write them in.


Not sure what you mean by configuratation. You mean HTML? (I am using
Outlook 2003 and IE7, with Word as email editor). Do you think this problem
is caused by the sender's config, because it only happens in Replies. And I
have tried to modiby the Print Styles to no avail. Reset to default --didn't
help. Had been using IE7 for a while, then upgraded, then later, but not
consistently, the problem started. Thanks for your time and interest.


Right, it is not a consistent problem for us either, only certain
emails that seem to be considered spam by our firewall/filter (eSoft)
where the sender is on the whitelist.

I can only hope that Microsoft gets us a fix soon.


Maximum said:
Yes, I am using IE7. But the problem isn't consistent. I thought it might
have to do with rich text or HTML. But I have followed your suggestion in
the past (sending to myself) but it's not the greatest way... Thanks!

wannahorse said:
If you are using IE7 this is becoming a common problem. Our firm
currently prints everything after being sent so we have the header
information for our files; we also print all incoming emails. We
noticed that occasionally a message header was missing after installing
IE7. Choices at this point are: going back to IE6 or forwarding the
problem email to yourself which them drops the missing message header
back in.

Good luck,
And your Outlook configuration would be...?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

I always print and fiile my Sent and Rec'd msgs, but all of a suddent the
From, Sent, To, Cc and Subject lines don't print any more, and so I have no
information on the date, time, the recipient of the subject on my prints. I
have to hand write them in.

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