Why does my video resize in presentation?



I have a presentation with multiple video clips. Every thing works fine
on the (Win2000, Office 2002) PC that created it, however if I move it
to another PC (Win2000, Office 2003) the video clip instead of playing
full screen plays at 1/4 size in the lower left of the screen. This
happens with both MPG1 and WMV files. I have tried constucting a page
from scratch with the same video clips on other machines and get the
same problem. Also on one particular PC when I run any of the clips in
PPT the presentation freezes with a green screen. All clips play fine
in WMP and mplay32 on all PCs. Any ideas?

Austin Myers

The first thing I would do is make certain that you have the latest video
card driver for your video card and the latest version of DirectX.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com


Updating the video card drivers has cured the problem on the PC with
the green video screen. Updating the drivers and DirectX has not solved
the problem on the other PCs however. Is it possible that WMP9 is
causing the problem? I now find that I can play the video clips
(720x576) if they are not stretched to fill the page rather they are
dragged to approximately 1/4 of the page. But, if I set the clip to
resize to full screen (2003 only) via edit movie object, the problem
reoccurs, but only with the WMV files, MPEG1 files will resize albeit
with the expected blockiness due to scaling up. I have reinstalled WMP9
and also tried inserting video as Object/Media Clip/Direct Show with
the same results.

Austin Myers

Well, I'd call that a bit of progress.

Can I make a suggestion? Give PFCMedia a try. It's a free download that
will function for two weeks without any restrictions. You may download it
from www.pfcmedia.com

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com


OK here's the final chapter...
Installed and ran PFCMedia. It killed my copy of Powerpoint 2002. Took
the oportunity to upgrade to Office 2003 and all works well now on my
desktop PC. Created a new presentation with media imported via PFC and
stored it on a network drive. Media was stretched up a bit on the page.
Ran this presentation on a networked PC with Office 2003 and the
problem still occurs. Ran it on an Office 2002 PC everything ran fine.
Tried the same thing again but this time just inserting media the
traditional way. Again exactly the same results. Created another
presentation but this time left the media at its native resolution.
Everything works on both PP2002 and PP2003. Stretched the media and the
problem reoccurs in PP2003. Seems that PP2003 does not like the image
resized and tries to scale it back to its original size. My video clips
were all 720x576 created from Procoder. I will have to try some
different resolutions to see if that has an affect but my guess is if I
want to fill a 1024 x 768 screen then the media will have to be as
close to that size as possible.

Keith Mitchell
AV/Media Tech

Austin Myers


Can you contact me via e-mail. I'd sure like to follow this one through.
(e-mail address removed)

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions www.pfcmedia.com

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