idk,i'm jus looken 4 a cheap pentium 3 4 muh room,so i hav sum privacy(preferrably P3 800mhz or more,128mb or more,20gb hd or more,and a bunch of other stuff i want 2 upgrade wen i git the $$$$$)and right now i'm on the family's computer which we've had 4 almost 7 years now and wit scoo startin again i need a computer 4 muh own research,the computer i'm on now is a amd k6-2 100mhz proccesor,64mb,6.4gb hd,v.90 56kbps modem,32x max speed cd-rom,so if any1 out there has a computer which they don't use or don't want anymore 4 giveaway or i'll offer a price,plz respond