Which files to upload?

  • Thread starter Norma Kennedy Plourde
  • Start date

Norma Kennedy Plourde

I have an existing website, and am making changes with FP 2002. For the
first time, I am trying FP Themes. Because of this, I need to upload more
files than usual to make the theme look right on the web. But, I am very
limited on my web space, so I can't upload too much. What are the files
that ABSOLUTELY have to be uploaded to make it work right? Right now, I have
these subfolders in my web on my laptop:

I have no idea what any of these do...

Also, some of these folders have subfolders, do these need to be uploaded
too? They seem to contain doubles of what are in the folders just above

I use WS_FTP to upload, because the last time that I tried to upload with
the FP upload function, things didn't work right. I have Win XP SP2.



David Berry

If you're going to use themes you need to "publish" your web with File,
Publish Web so that all the necessary files and folders get published

Norma Kennedy Plourde

David Berry said:
If you're going to use themes you need to "publish" your web with File,
Publish Web so that all the necessary files and folders get published

Hi David,
If I do that, is it going to upload stuff that I don't really need to have
uploaded? Or does it just upload the files that I really need?

Thanks David...

Tom Pepper Willett

It will publish all the files you need.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
Understanding FrontPage:
| | > If you're going to use themes you need to "publish" your web with File,
| > Publish Web so that all the necessary files and folders get published
| > correctly.
| >
| > --
| > David Berry - MCP
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Hi David,
| If I do that, is it going to upload stuff that I don't really need to have
| uploaded? Or does it just upload the files that I really need?
| Thanks David...

Thomas A. Rowe

When you publish, FP will upload the files/folders that you have added to your site, as well as any
files/folders that are required by any FP components that you have added to your pages.

If you are limited on space, then you might consider not using themes, or select to use a theme with
no active elements, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Norma Kennedy Plourde

David Berry said:
If you're going to use themes you need to "publish" your web with File,
Publish Web so that all the necessary files and folders get published

Well, uploading with http didn't work. I guess it is because my ISP doesn't
support FrontPage extensions. (Changing my ISP is out of the question, as I
have had my URL for the past 7 years, and don't want to change it.)

I tried to ftp it with FrontPage, and that didn't work either. I must be
writing it in wrong. What is the correct format to upload using ftp with
FP? I tried this way:


Thomas A. Rowe

You would need to contact your host to get the correct FTP URL to use or publish the site to a
folder on your HD, then open this folder and delete all _vti folders, then use a 3rd Party FTP
application upload the remaining content to the host.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Andrew Murray

all those _vti....etc folders are to do with Frontpage extension - don't touch

Publish your site through frontpage to a server with the Frontpage Extensions
active (from File menu select "Publish") and go from there. Publish only the
files with "html", "htm", "asp", "js" "jpg, jpeg" "gif" etc files - dont worry
about those other folders they are part of the Frontpage program and will be
published 'invisibly'.

Andrew Murray

Norma Kennedy Plourde said:
Hi David,
If I do that, is it going to upload stuff that I don't really need to have
uploaded? Or does it just upload the files that I really need?

Thanks David...

Frontpage knows what it needs and doesn't need - leave it to the program to
sort it all out. If you upload manually, you're bound to leave out a file or two,
so let Frontpage handle it.


Do a search for KissFP. If this is still available it will extract the
necessary files and folders from your web (leaving all the others) and place
them in a folder ready for upload with WS_FTP.
I last used this in 1997, but believe it is still around. KissFP V2 was an
add-in for FrontPage.

Stefan B Rusynko

When you use themes the only folders that are affected are the
hidden _themes folder with it's themename folder
and the hidden _derived folders (if you have graphic nav bars)

| | > If you're going to use themes you need to "publish" your web with File,
| > Publish Web so that all the necessary files and folders get published
| > correctly.
| >
| > --
| > David Berry - MCP
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Hi David,
| If I do that, is it going to upload stuff that I don't really need to have
| uploaded? Or does it just upload the files that I really need?
| Thanks David...

Craig Schiller

Norma -

Changing your ISP doesn't mean changing your URL. You can transfer your domain
name from one ISP to another.


Norma Kennedy Plourde

Hi Craig,
My URL belongs to my ISP...it is:
http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/normap/ (The company is NBNet.)
So, I can't "take" the same URL with me if I do decide to bring my site
elsewhere. The problem is that many people have made links to my site
(200+), so it would be a lot of work trying to find them all, and asking
them to change their links. I have asked my ISP if I can have more web
space, and they said I can't, even if I pay for it, because it is only a
personal web space, and therefore they limit their personal web spaces to 5
MB. When I signed up with them in 1997, 5 MB seemed like an awful lot to
me! LOL! 8 years later, and I could fill up much more than that!

I seem to have it working now. I wish to thank everybody for their help.
The folders that did get published with FP that contained actual data were
the following:

The following folders were also uploaded, but they had 0 kb in them:

I don't have my site working exactly like I want it yet, but I am well on
the way! At least I was able to upload the minimal amount of files, which
is what I needed, as my space is limited.

Thanks to David, Tom, Thomas, Andrew, Stephan, Craig and Ron!



So, what if you went out and got a real host provider? Then on your old ISP
freebee, just create an index page asking the user to click here that sends
them to the new URL.
Might be a good time to purchase a domain name too.
You could also have it redirected to the new provider.
Only problem I can see if you change providers, which I would have already,
10 MB is the norm these days.

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