Here you go:
Volume SYSTEM (C

Volume size = 12.00 GB
Cluster size = 512 bytes
Used space = 9.63 GB
Free space = 2.37 GB
Percent free space = 19 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 7 %
File fragmentation = 15 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 77,007
Average file size = 180 KB
Total fragmented files = 1,206
Total excess fragments = 307,892
Average fragments per file = 4.99
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 200 MB
Total fragments = 9
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 4,443
Fragmented folders = 13
Excess folder fragments = 33
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 86 MB
MFT record count = 84,627
Percent MFT in use = 96 %
Total MFT fragments = 3
Fragments File Size Most fragmented files
301,225 265 MB \transaction.log
376 10 MB
296 2 MB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
261 408 KB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
156 913 KB \WINDOWS\KB942763.log
144 1 MB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
130 100 KB \Program Files\Altiris\Altiris
125 100 KB \Program Files\Altiris\Altiris
123 4 MB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
72 635 KB \WINDOWS\comsetup.log
67 491 KB \WINDOWS\KB955839.log
52 2 MB
49 363 KB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
49 991 KB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
44 2 MB \WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\win32k.sys
42 324 KB \WINDOWS\SchCache\Corp.Com.sch
41 3 MB \Program Files\Reference
41 142 KB \WINDOWS\updspapi.log
40 3 MB
39 287 KB \WINDOWS\Prefetch\Layout.ini
38 2 MB \WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\ntkrnlmp.exe
37 388 KB \WINDOWS\ntdtcsetup.log
36 2 MB \WINDOWS\Installer\3e01c8ea.msi
35 253 KB \Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
32 2 MB \WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\FrameWork.log
31 936 KB \WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log
30 45 MB \WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA
29 5 MB \Program Files\Reference
27 2 MB \Program Files\Common Files\VMware\VMware
Virtual Machine Importer\v2vapp.exe
27 580 KB
Volume DATA (D

Volume size = 52.51 GB
Cluster size = 512 bytes
Used space = 44.90 GB
Free space = 7.61 GB
Percent free space = 14 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 43 %
File fragmentation = 87 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 17,429
Average file size = 3 MB
Total fragmented files = 255
Total excess fragments = 28,534
Average fragments per file = 2.63
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 0 bytes
Total fragments = 0
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 3,312
Fragmented folders = 9
Excess folder fragments = 28
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 44 MB
MFT record count = 21,101
Percent MFT in use = 47 %
Total MFT fragments = 2
Fragments File Size Most fragmented files
20,771 11.95 GB \VMware5images\CleanOS\Foreign\XP Home SP2
(Simplified Chinese) & Linux\Windows XP Home Edition.vmdk
1,763 3.63 GB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\Windows XP
1,168 9.11 GB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Vista Home
Basic N (experimental)\Windows Vista (experimental).vmdk
900 7 MB \dl\cel_030809.mp3
716 4 MB \Documents and
642 7.25 GB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\Windows XP Professional.vmdk
588 1.71 GB \VMware5images\CleanOS\Foreign\German XP
Pro. SP2\Windows XP Professional.vmdk
559 3.30 GB \VMware5images\CleanOS\Foreign\German XP
Pro. SP2\Windows XP Professional-000002.vmdk
391 3 MB \work\tools\cdbxp_setup_4.2.4.1255.exe
260 314 MB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\Windows XP
64 0 bytes \Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Symantec\SRTSP\SrtETmp\158839A4.TMP
49 153 KB
41 17 MB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\Windows XP Professional.vmss
31 220 KB \Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Settings.LiveUpdate
29 38 KB
28 2 MB \winstuff\mcd\BMP.BMP
26 268 KB \winstuff\Trillian3\users\default\cache\cache.ini
20 48 KB
18 153 KB \Documents and Settings\phil\Application
17 3 MB \Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Log.LiveUpdate
14 19 KB \winstuff\RealAlternativeLite\Media Player
13 0 bytes \Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Symantec\SRTSP\SrtETmp\480F4270.TMP
12 618 KB \p4_perforce\depot\Services\Docs\QA\Patch\Patch.wbk
11 67 KB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\vmware-2.log
11 60 bytes \lotus\notes\Data\Modems
10 2 MB \Documents and Settings\phil\Application
10 617 KB \p4_perforce\depot\Services\Docs\QA\Patch\Patch.doc
9 51 KB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\vmware-1.log
8 12 KB
8 37 KB \VMware5images\CleanOS\English\Windows XP
Pro. SP2 (Slipstreamed CD; all updates)\vmware-0.log
I discovered defrag.exe command line earlier:
D:\>defrag -a -v d:
Windows Disk Defragmenter
Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corp. and Executive Software International,
Analysis Report
Volume size = 52.51 GB
Cluster size = 512 bytes
Used space = 44.90 GB
Free space = 7.61 GB
Percent free space = 14 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 43 %
File fragmentation = 87 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 17,417
Average file size = 3 MB
Total fragmented files = 244
Total excess fragments = 28,490
Average fragments per file = 2.63
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 0 bytes
Total fragments = 0
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 3,309
Fragmented folders = 8
Excess folder fragments = 27
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 44 MB
MFT record count = 21,086
Percent MFT in use = 46
Total MFT fragments = 2
You should defragment this volume.
Volume BackupsAndArchives (E

Volume size = 9.91 GB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 2.31 GB
Free space = 7.60 GB
Percent free space = 76 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 21 %
File fragmentation = 43 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 1,551
Average file size = 2 MB
Total fragmented files = 1
Total excess fragments = 2
Average fragments per file = 1.00
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 1.00 GB
Total fragments = 3
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 277
Fragmented folders = 12
Excess folder fragments = 48
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 4 MB
MFT record count = 1,843
Percent MFT in use = 43 %
Total MFT fragments = 2
Fragments File Size Most fragmented files
27 112 KB
6 32 KB
6 28 KB \stuff\work\tools\WiresharkPortable\App\Wireshark
4 28 KB \stuff\work\tools
3 20 KB \music\midi
2 8 KB \stuff\work\docs\info
2 8 KB \stuff\work\tools\SymantecTools\LicensingTools
2 8 KB \stuff\work\tools\SymantecTools
2 8 KB \music\mod
2 8 KB \stuff\Desktop
2 20 KB \stuff\Links
2 8 KB \stuff\work\tools\as
D:\>defrag /?
defrag <volume> [-a] [-f] [-v] [-?]
volume drive letter or mount point (d: or d:\vol\mountpoint)
-a Analyze only
-f Force defragmentation even if free space is low
-v Verbose output
-? Display this help text
Can I use -f parameter? Is this safe to use?
Thank you in advance.

Phillip Pi (aka Ant)
Senior Software Quality Assurance Analyst
ISP/Symantec Online Services, Consumer Business Unit
Symantec Corporation