Want to rename a website on my system



FrontPage 2003.

I created a website that won't publish with http (using frontpage) ... will
only ftp. I decided that I'd redo the site under another name, then rename
the files, but there doesn't seem o be a provision for doing this in
Frontpage. At least I don't see it.

I thought that maybe what I did wrong from the start was create a page
instead of a web and that's where my problems began. In order to recreate
the site, I have to start with a different name, then simply rename it so
that it will publish to the correct site of course, as registered with my

Does someone know a workaround.
Thanks so much.

Steve Easton

The folder containing your website on your local machine can be named anything you want.
You can publish local abcwebsite to remote xyzwebsite.
The don't "have" to be named the same, although it is easier if the web folder name matches the
domain it's published too.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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I can physically change the name and I consider doing that, however, when I
rename it, outside of frontpage ... won't the links be lost and have to be
reset. I'd prefer (like you say) to keep it simple, by having the same
name. Can you think of a way to rename the main web folder "within"
fronpage, so that it adjusts all the links appropriately. I can't see a
provision for that inside of Frontpage.

Thanks for your response Steve. Diana

The folder containing your website on your local machine can be named
anything you want.
You can publish local abcwebsite to remote xyzwebsite.
The don't "have" to be named the same, although it is easier if the web
folder name matches the
domain it's published too.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Steve Easton

yes, open my webs in FrontPage, right click on the folder with the blue globe that contains your web
and rename it.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
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Thomas A. Rowe

When you rename the web, do not name it "abcweb.com", etc., just use "abcweb".

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Craig Schiller

Diana -

You definitely MUST create a web in FP for anything to work correctly.

It doesn't matter what the website is called on your computer. You could call
it frenchfries and save it to C:\frenchfries.

Try this.

Open FP
Create a new web--- call it whatever you want
Import your pages from the previous site into the current web.
Do the same for any images you may have.
You should now have a working web with a new name.


Andrew Murray

if you can't publish by http: in frontpage, this means your host either doesn't
have the server extensions installed, or they are installed but not functioning
properly for some reason.

Andrew Murray

you're only renaming the web folder, not individual filenames.
therefore no links will be affected.


Here's what I'm pretty sure happened from the get-go.
I activated the site and enabled frontpage extensions. That was all good!

I then created a page "instead" of a web ... and that was my first big
MISTAKE. [I had read, (not very long ago), a posting where another person
had a similar experience (not being able to publish with FP), and someone,
maybe one of you posted an important reply (at least it got my attention),
that they needed to make sure they created (from the start) a "web" ... not
just a new page.]

After working and creating the various pages for the site, no matter what I
tried after that, I could only use FTP to upload the site files and it would
work, but I couldn't use any FrontPage features (i.e., web components). I
then remembered that posting (mentioned above).

So, to tried to remedy the err' of my ways ... wanted to start all over
again. Therfore, I de-activated the webspace, then reactivated it and
re-enabled frontpage extensions. That was all set to go.

I then set out to re-invent the site, hoping I wouldn't have to redo
absolutely everything. I also wanted to keep the same folder name (for
simplicity), but would settle for a new name for recreation purposes and
copy the other pages/files over. When I did that, the files were still
pointing to the original folder and that's why I wanted to rename the new
folder to the original webfolder. The instruction provided by WP
...."tools|site settings|general" then renaming the folder (after slightly
altering the name of the original folder - in Explorer) did the trick

It's all working fine and is publishing with great speed and the front page
elements are working too.

Thanks to all of you ... what a great bunch of people. All of the
information that you provided helped to increase my knowledge of working
around (and inside) this software.


I thought I'd already written a post to say this, so just in case it didn't
get there ... just wanted to let you know that it's all working terrifically

Was able to rename and everything posted A-OK!
Thanks a bunch. Diana

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