Make: your dreams come true. Get started on that crafty creation or imaginative invention you've been hiding in your brain. We've bundled the books you need to get started on papercraft, 3D printing, robotics, interactive electronics, edible inventions… the list goes on! Some of these books are Make-ing their digital debuts in our bundle, so you can easily bring them to your desk, your crafting table, or your workbench.
Pay $1 or more for
Make: Paper Inventions, Best of Make: Volume 2: 65 Projects and Skill Builders from the Pages of Make:, Make: Design for 3D Printing, Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 42: 3D Printer Buyer's Guide, Make: 3D Printing: The Essential Guide to 3D Printers, Make: Zero to Maker: Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything, Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 44: Fun with Drones!, Make: Making Simple Robots, and
Make: DIY Comms and Control for Amateur Space: Talking and Listening to Your Satellite.
Pay $8 or more and you’ll also get
Make: The Annotated Build-It-Yourself Science Laboratory; The Makerspace Workbench: Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Making; Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 41: Best Toys for Makers; Make: Getting Started with Processing, 2nd Edition; Make: Getting Started with Arduino, 3rd Edition; Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 47: The Space Issue; and $10 off of a print subscription and $5 off of a digital subscription for
Make: Magazine.
Pay $15 or more for all of that plus
Make: Tinkering, 2nd edition; Getting Started with Sensors: Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi; Make: Edible Inventions; Make: Getting Started with CNC; Make: Make It Glow; Make: Family Projects for Smart Objects; and
Make: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, 3rd Edition.
Pay $1 or more. Together, these books would cost over $303. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you name your price of $1 or more!
Read them anywhere. These books are available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI formats, meaning you can read them anywhere at any time. Instructions and a list of recommended reading programs can be found
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