I've been fighting and fighting when it comes to 3D printers Money is not an object. But watched a few YT vids of this 3D printer and for the money I just ordered one
It's not too noisy, it's somewhere between an old inkjet and dot-matrix printer... I've got it sat next to my PC it doesn't bother me much.
There are quite a few mods for it which will improve the print quality, primarily stabilisation rods for the z-axis and a 360 degree cooling fan exhaust to improve printing overhanging parts where the filament needs to cool quickly.
Mine will be arriving tomorrow. Had a bit of a panic this morning. Got a call from Tim to say my billing address didn't match my bank card or something like that ( I was still half asleep ) He asked if I was on the electoral roll to which I said yes. And he said to leave it with him. When I woke up I checked e-mails and had an e-mail from Tech Outlet and UPS saying delivery would be tomorrow.
Great work Evan! I've got the Z-Axis stabilisation mods installed now, so I'll let you know how it goes once I've printed something with them installed. About to print the "DiiiCooler" mod from thingiverse.com.
I've heard good things about Fusion 360, but never tried it myself. Bit put off by the price to be honest. I've had a dabble with Sketchup in the past, but I don't know how good it would be for designing things for the 3D printer. Let us know if you find any good software tutorials
@Ian any idea what the mini USB port on the control box is for ? I looked through the manual and can't see anything and plugging the cable in to the box and then PC does nothing.