VPN connection



I had setup my Windows XP machine to accept VPN connections. But when I
tried to connection from another local LAN computer and either complaint my
password is not correct or give me error 733 if i try different workgroup
name. What could I miss out of or done wrong?

If I do access this from non local LAN computer, what port should I open in
order to accept this incoming connection?



on your router enable Upnp - universal plug and play and does ur router support vpn tunneling/pass through

Sooner Al

If its a PPTP VPN connection then open TCP Port 1723 and enable GRE Protocol 47 traffic, some
routers call "PPTP Pass Through" or "VPN Pass Through" or automagically enable when TCP Port 1723 is
opened (the XP ICF does just that)...

Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

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Thanks for your reply. But I was trying to access my VPN connection on a
local LAN, I thought I shouldn't need to touch any TCP Port? Also, I didn't
enable ICF at all.


Sooner Al

Well, you did ask about what port was needed if you try to access from a "non local LAN computer"...

Are you sure you are using the correct password? The password is case sensitive...

Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

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Sorry for the confusion. Yes, I did ask for the port as well. I was going to
solve this problem first and then try it out externally with port opened.
At the moment I still having problem accessing it from a local LAN. Yes, the
password is definately correct. It looks to me something wrong with the
login name and password, but I did entered correctly. What workgroup name
should I try? I tried either 'blank' and "Workgroup", doesn't seems to help.



Thanks for your advice, I got it working now locally.

For remotely, I get "error 721, remote computer did not respond" after I
opened port 1723 and 47.

But when I use DMZ setting on my router to open all port, it then work. So,
what other port am I miss opened do you know?


Sooner Al

Your probably missing the GRE Protocol 47 traffic I noted in an earlier reply.

What firewall/NAT/router is the target PC behind...

Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

Please post *ALL* questions and replies to the news group for the mutual benefit of all of us...
The MS-MVP Program - http://mvp.support.microsoft.com
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights...

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