VM Vista Installation



I have the latest VMware on my laptop, and it works as I have WindowsXP Pro
running in it. When trying to install Vista I get the following error message

Cannot load WinSetup.dll. This file may be missing or currupt.
Error code: 1117

I downloaded Vista directly form Windows, I have checked the files and the
WinSetup.dll is there. I just want to know, what could be wrong, should I
download all of Vista again or can I download that speciifc file from
somewhere and replace the old one

Thanks for your help

Mark Dietz

You checked to see if the file was there, but did you verify the image integrity
to make sure that it downloaded correctly and is in fact complete and not corrupt?


Thank you for your responce, I didn't expect it so soon. I am afraid I have
no way (at present) to varify my download. The only way I can think of is
either, download the same file form another source or download the same file
from microsoft and compair them manually. However, if I could find that
specific dll as mentioned earlier, I could compair them to see if my dll was
complete or not.

In your opinion, what would you do?


Colin Barnhorst

It sounds like a file read error. I have gotten it from bad downloads
burned to dvd and used to install on a regular pc. If you are using the
image file directly in VMWare then of course it can't be the burn.

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