Vista? What Would You do.....



* DanS:

The numbers I've seen reported about XP retail sales were about 10%
of overall sales. Of course, most of those sales happened early. As
XP got older, it was practically all OEM sales. I would expect
Vista's retail percentage to be even lower.

Which makes one wonder- why Microsoft puts so much time, energy,
employees, effort, and money into all their anti-piracy measures?
All that for a very small part of their bottom-line, and something
that really annoys to pisses off a lot of paying customers. Is it
really worth it?

Maybe. Maybe not.

It all depends on how you look at it.

In my experience, people use pirated software because they can. The
majority of the time, if they can't steal it, they won't buy it. They'll
just move on to the next software that does work.

It's just like the entire DTV stance prior to the last card swap that has
yet to be cracked. DTV 'claimed' millions in losses anually to smart card

So, since the last cards swap, has DTV's customer base rapidly expanded ?
Did all of the one's that once stole DTV convert to paying customers ? Of
course not.

The subscription numbers, provided by DTV, shows that there was no change
at all caused by stopping the piracy. Any rise is the subscription rate
was nothing more than a continuation of climbing subscriber numbers
anyway, which had been the trend for years.

So, if those that pirate, can no longer pirate what they want, they just
do without.....typically.


Linux is free. Yet, most people will not change over. Why is this?

And to the *AVERAGE* non-geek computer user, that buys PCs from a big
store, Windows is free too. They don't know it's built into the cost.

These stores do not sell PC's w/o Windows pre-installed.

These stores do not typically have Linux displays.

Although, the new Dell PC's with Ubuntu is supposed to be sold at Wal-
Marts across the USA.
Ad-Aware is free. Multiple millions of people use it.
Spybot S&D is free. Multiple millions of people use it.

If something is free, easy to use and intuitive - people will use it.

Linux is not so.

And Linux is not widespread because ......noone knows about it. Well
obviously not noone, but.....

Randomly walk up to 100 people on the street, of all races and ages. Ask
them, 'Do you what MS Windows is ?'. I'm sure a VERY high percentage
will. Ask a set of completely different 100 persons, 'Do you what Linux
is ?' and I'm sure it will be quite a low percentage.

(Note, it would be a completely different set of 100 people so there
could be no connection made between the questions.)

Answer this Richard......

If one doesn't know about a product, ANY product, how can one choose to
use or buy that product ?


Why ? Because of MS's long standing deals with the OEM's to push Windows.
That's why.

typical response of those with .. well NO response

Its always someone Else's fault .. always ;)

is it not? :)



The sad fact is that hasn't happened...yet. I'm waiting for some
company with deep pockets to give consumers such a opportunity.

How did those deep pockets get deep?
By making foolish business choices?
Do you EVER think anything all the way through?


Adam Albright

Most linux fanatics are blind to those facts.

How are Linux fanatics any different than Windows fanatics like you

Fanaticism tends to blind ones vision thus Vista offers a "clear view". :)

Yep, you're blind rather then being objective. I agree with yea.


There are other problems with using linux, such as no support of certain up
and coming technologies. The free software foundation which puts out the
GPL for Linux has a boycott of certain type of hard ware including HD-DVD
and Bluray.



Most linux fanatics are blind to those facts. Fanaticism tends to blind
ones vision thus Vista offers a "clear view". :) Frank

Vista makes my strawberry sugar wafers...available for a dollar at Dollar
General. The last time that I tried to put Vista on my computer, I got
cookie crumbs in my CD-Rom drive.
I put Windows XP on a virtual machine, just so that I remember how much
windows use to be, with all its crashes, spyware, and viruses. At least
now I can shut it off and use a real operating system.
Linux is not perfect. I would use a Live CD and see if all my equipment
is read, before I installed it.
In general, choose XP over Vista, since you know that all the programs
and hardware will work with it.

Words from the Vista Cookie Man...
Snort, fart, belch...
Doris you really need to try these Vista cookies...


Probably too late for you now, but: No. NO.Nononononono! Not Ever! Since
coming over to "the Dark Side"I have had nothing but trouble with this very
Fascist OS (Ultimate: the backup system REALLY sucks, Bitlocker - disc
encryption-will only work if you get into your disk and delete Pagefile
before jumping over multiple hurdles and re-installing.) Be Afraid. Be VERY
Afraid. If you can make LInux work, go there.


Buy XP Pro. My Vista Ultimate Machine has been a tremendous headache to
migrate from XP Pro, and Corel Paint Shop Pro XI will still not work with it.
Our Vista laptop is servicable but we bought it new and are only using it for
email and photo files. We just purchased a new graphics intensive machine for
my daughter and I specified XP Pro. You should as well.

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