Vista? What Would You do.....


Richard G. Harper

That's a pretty easy question - if you are unwilling or unable to upgrade
all your software to Vista compatible versions, then don't go for Vista.
Stick with Windows XP. Otherwise, check each software vendor to see what it
would take to upgrade (HINT - not all upgrades will cost you money) and base
your decision on that fact.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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Doris Day - MFB

This reply is not coming from Outhouse Express, hence not top posted ...
Frank said:
Only $50 cheaper here. But why not pay the $50 and get a real OS (Vista)
then dl the free toy os.
Makes a lot more sense doesn't it?

No it doesn't as Ubuntu is a much better and more advanced OS than Vista.

Love and Kisses,

My Microsoft Hero (he loves this company!) ...
This post is like Wintard Flypaper ... catches them all.
BallmerBumBois: Frank, Julian, Richard Urban, Jupiter Jones, Harry Krause,
Feliks Dzerzhinsky
Sorry if I missed anyone, place your name here _________________.

Doris Day - MFB

This reply is not coming from Outhouse Express, hence not top posted ...
Frank said:
ray wrote:

...and most programs have Linux equivalents which are every bit as good.

That is simply not true and I think you know it to be not true.

You're right. Some are in fact much better than their Windoze equivalents.

Love and Kisses,

My Microsoft Hero (he loves this company!) ...
This post is like Wintard Flypaper ... catches them all.
BallmerBumBois: Frank, Julian, Richard Urban, Jupiter Jones, Harry Krause,
Feliks Dzerzhinsky
Sorry if I missed anyone, place your name here _________________.


Doris said:
No it doesn't as Ubuntu is a much better and more advanced OS than Vista.

How would a cross-dressing, fat, bald, unemployed ol'man like you know?
You've never used a Windows OS.
They're much better than any linux toy os.


Doris said:
This reply is not coming from Outhouse Express, hence not top posted ...
Frank wrote:

You're right. Some are in fact much better than their Windoze equivalents.

Love and Kisses,

Well they probably are much better than "their Windoze equivalents"
(whatever those are?), but they don't even come close to being Windows
equivalent as they are far inferior in every respect.


Em Quarta, 6 de Junho de 2007 16:18, Ed O'Brien escreveu:
......if you had the chance to do it again?

I am in the throws of buying a new PC. I am reluctant to go for Vista,

Hey... build you on computer, then choose what OS you want in it!


Ed O'Brien said:
......if you had the chance to do it again?

I am in the throws of buying a new PC. I am reluctant to go for Vista,
having heard so many bad reports (just a few good comments). Particularly
with regard to one's current software becoming incompatible.

I run apps such OCR (Omnipage 14), PaintShop Pro and a very old Corel
Gallery among many others. To have to upgrade all of them would add pretty
substantially to the cost.

I would be very grateful for any comments that will help me make up my



Have either the lowly Windows Vista Basic or Windows Vista Ulitmate put on

Ultimate has the whole she-bang, no frigging around. Home Premium doesn't
even have FAX. Vista Businesss doesn't even have DVD playback.


Richard Urban

I had to find replacements for a total of three free applets that I like to
use. Others were graced with free updates.

I abandoned just 2. Why? Because even though they were on my computer it had
been months since I had actually used either of them. I had long ago found a
better photo editor and streaming audio ripper so I just dumped the ones I
was no longer using.

Now, If I wanted to go to Linux (I do have the latest 3 versions of Ubuntu
running in VMWare Workstation) I would have to **spend** a lot of money (yes
my time is valuable to me) to find replacements for, set up, configure,
troubleshoot most of the programs that I do regularly use. Wine is just not
ready and some of the Window programs I need just will not run.

I have yet to find a company that will accept drawings from any other CAD
program when the company specifically requests submissions be done utilizing

As I said, I am content!



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)


DELL is now selling computers with Ubuntu Linux pre-installed. $100
cheaper to start with and the software you would need would be included.

What's the OVER / UNDER on how long these machines will be in the catalog?


DELL did sell Linux boxes once before, for a short period. Dropped due to
lack of interest.



I don't think so, as most of the old software will run under WINE anyway
and most programs have Linux equivalents which are every bit as good.

can you tell me what is LINUX's problem then? Why isn't it just eating up
market share?
or is it because when all the bs is gone .. and people are left to choose?
.... people usually cast their vote with their Boot Drive OS?

Why oh Why? :)




Just to share,

We recently acquired a series of new systems and myself also got a new Dell
mobile workstation with a 24" monitor, but still, I decided to stay with XP
Pro after testing RC1 and RTM vista.

The bottom line is not about hardware requirements or potential
incompatibility with hardware and applications (both are relatively easier
to solve) but the new interface and so-called security mechanisms.

The new user interface provides no tangible benefits for making your daily
works faster, on the other hand, wastes one's years of computer experiences
and even more ridiculously requires one to use commands more often than all
previous Windows, which contradicts to the fundamental philosophy of GUI,
and it also lacks the ability of customization (which is the arrogance part
comes in). The new security mechanisms, again, provides no tangible
benefits for replacing any existing best practice for protections, so it is
just an added unnecessary annoyance.

With the latest and more powerful hardware, one can still experience faster
application performance (e.g. Adobe CS3 suite) with XP Pro if those
applications are designed to take advantages of the new hardware.

I have several copies of Vista from Express Upgrade programs and now are in
the storage room and I don't miss them at all. For all coming systems, they
will use XP as well. Unless MS will come up another more user friendly OS
(PS: user friendly doesn't mean to be less powerful which are two separate
issues), XP will be the only and last OS we use from this company.

Good luck!



I should have also added,

The new WPA practically is a privacy intrusion malware, which will
constantly montior a user's system information and sending to the company
WITHOUT user's knowledge and consensus.

We have nothing to hide but it doesn't mean we will open our back door for
anyone to come in and out without our permission and knoledge.

WPA serves as a major part of not using the OS.


Doris Day - MFB said:
No it doesn't as Ubuntu is a much better and more advanced OS than Vista.

Yup, you're right doris. Ubuntu is more advanced...

Thats why my sound didn't work... Thats why my headset didn't work...

Thats why when I tried to "upgrade" to v7 from v6, I got an error. I looked
up this error, and found out I had to use the terminal to change things in
order for it to work...

REALLY advanced! *advanced sarcasm*

Hold on, I'll go give it to my family and see what they think! *rolls eyes*


......if you had the chance to do it again?

I am in the throws of buying a new PC. I am reluctant to go for Vista,
having heard so many bad reports (just a few good comments). Particularly
with regard to one's current software becoming incompatible.

I run apps such OCR (Omnipage 14), PaintShop Pro and a very old Corel
Gallery among many others. To have to upgrade all of them would add pretty
substantially to the cost.

I would be very grateful for any comments that will help me make up my mind.



DELL is now selling computers with Ubuntu Linux pre-installed. $100
cheaper to start with and the software you would need would be included.


Initial cost = $100 less.

Cost of programs you may have to abandon because they will not run on Linux

I don't think so, as most of the old software will run under WINE anyway
and most programs have Linux equivalents which are every bit as good.


can you tell me what is LINUX's problem then? Why isn't it just eating
up market share?
or is it because when all the bs is gone .. and people are left to
choose? ... people usually cast their vote with their Boot Drive OS?

Why oh Why? :)


Why ? Because of MS's long standing deals with the OEM's to push Windows.

That's why.

While MS has never given any specific numbers, it's prettty safe bet that
actual non-OEM sales, as in boxed retail, are almost insignificant to the
overall numbers.

Richard Urban

Linux is free. Yet, most people will not change over. Why is this?

Ad-Aware is free. Multiple millions of people use it.
Spybot S&D is free. Multiple millions of people use it.

If something is free, easy to use and intuitive - people will use it.

Linux is not so.

If it were, Microsoft would be changing their business plan - yesterday!



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Richard said:
Linux is free. Yet, most people will not change over. Why is this?

Ad-Aware is free. Multiple millions of people use it.
Spybot S&D is free. Multiple millions of people use it.

If something is free, easy to use and intuitive - people will use it.

Linux is not so.

If it were, Microsoft would be changing their business plan - yesterday!

Most linux fanatics are blind to those facts.
Fanaticism tends to blind ones vision thus Vista offers a "clear view". :)

Adam Albright

Linux is free. Yet, most people will not change over. Why is this?

Because a LOT of Windows software that people ALREADY have invested in
and have used for a long time doesn't work correctly or at all under
Linux. The often used and lame comment heard from the Linux faithful
is there is similar software that does run under Linux. Which is the
point with the operative word being SIMILAR.

The suggestion to switch to Linux is like telling people to eat a
tangerine when they really want to have a orange. Similar yes, the
same, not even close.

Most software developers simply refuse to waste resources writing
cross platform software since Microsoft much through bullying tactics
has the lion's share of the software market. Thus people would switch,
many in a heart beat, including me, IF only Linux truly ran all the
top flight software that has been developed for Windows.

Get it? Not similar, run REAL Windows software unmodified, and no, not
under WINE or other similar gimmicks.

The sad fact is that hasn't happened...yet. I'm waiting for some
company with deep pockets to give consumers such a opportunity. That
would at least cause Microsoft to rethink it's arrogant ways which is
at the heart of the problem and the reason Microsoft is content to
shovel junk out the door. There's little reason or competition for
them to need to try any harder to make truly quality software.

Any more "hard" questions on your mind Richie?


* DanS:
Why ? Because of MS's long standing deals with the OEM's to push Windows.

That's why.

While MS has never given any specific numbers, it's prettty safe bet that
actual non-OEM sales, as in boxed retail, are almost insignificant to the
overall numbers.

The numbers I've seen reported about XP retail sales were about 10%
of overall sales. Of course, most of those sales happened early. As XP
got older, it was practically all OEM sales. I would expect Vista's retail
percentage to be even lower.

Which makes one wonder- why Microsoft puts so much time, energy,
employees, effort, and money into all their anti-piracy measures?
All that for a very small part of their bottom-line, and something that
really annoys to pisses off a lot of paying customers. Is it really worth it?


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