Vista User Logon Issues



Yeah, no dice... No option on right click, properties, compatibility,
privelige level, run as administrator. everything on the page is
greyed out.


Well I tried on a Guest account which is further restricted, and it works
fine. Try to go to Control Panel>User Accounts and.....>User Accounts, it
should prompt for admin account info(password), maybe you can do something
there. Not sure?. For sure try the Command Prompt in the Accessories, Run
as......, If all else fails, you could try a repair, it should prompt for
system restore. Insert your vista, reboot, any key to run dvd, bottom right
coner, click repair. It may work?, It won't hurt anything.


Thanks for all of your help on this Russ! You've been a life saver!
I'm taking the laptop home with me this weekend to work on and when I
get something that works I'll post it back here. So, tune back in on
Monday, same bat time, same bat channel!


Try this, open the "run" in the start menu, type in, cmd, hit enter or ok, if
the run box is not availible go to Start>All Programs>Accessories,
normal(left) click Command Prompt, in the command window type, "runas
/user:administrator compmgmt .msc" (no quotes), hit enter, it should prompt
for a password, type in your password for the account and hit enter again.
Hope this works.


You didn't just hide all the admin accounts, did you? They're all disabled
somehow? I'm laughing, sorry.


Best wishes to you on your weekend escapade with Vista. And thanks to Russ
for teaching me a thing or two about accounts.


See Saucy, here's the thing... The builtin admin account is disabled,
and the user created admin account is enabled but hidden. To top it
all off HP installed vista so there's no telling what they may have
done to this poor thing before I got my hands on it... I may destroy
it out of spite this weekend... Thank goodness for the accidental
damage protection warranty!



I'm curious - what do you mean by you have hidden the created admin
account - how did you do that?


P.S. The laptops are HP DV9000 series and HP has decided that it's a
good idea to not include an OS installation disc; so there's no chance
of formatting and reinstalling.

And you thought it was a good idea to provide your customers a laptop with
no OS installation disc?


This thread appears to be where we are trying to get to. We have a Vista
machine, in a domain, with multiple user accounts. After the computer boots,
the user is prompted to enter Ctrl-Alt-Del, which then takes the user to a
logon/login screen. At this screen, the user has to enter its username
("domain"\username) and password. In a domain setting, can this logon/login
screen be set to show an icon for each user account? If so, how? That way,
each user can simply click on the icon for its account, enter its password,
and be taken to its personalized desktop.

Saucy said:
P.S. I found the regedit to do the same in Vista Basic, if that's the
version they will be running.

For email:
guidsaucy at hotmail dot com

Thanks Saucy, however, I'm looking to remove active accounts from the
logon screen instead of adding to it. We have an admin account that
is created for support purposes and is used if the PCs come in for
repair or if the user misplaces their password. We create a power
user account that the users use to run the High-Speed Digital cameras,
and that is the only account we want to show on the login screen to
simplify things for the user. We also want to be able to login as the
admin accounts if needed. This was done by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete
in Windows XP. I'm just trying to figure out how to do it in Vista.

Yes, the Administrator account is disabled by default, except in the case
an upgrade when the Administrator account was the only account on the

You can enable the Administrator account.

You can make it show on the logon screen

Because the 'Users and Groups' mmc snap-in is not available on Vista
but is on Vista Ultimate, there is more than one way to handle this
depending on which version of Vista is operating.

To assign the Administrator account a password use the 'Users and Groups'
snap-in [Vista Ultimate], else one must make the Administrator account
up so as to use 'User Accounts' in the Vista Basic's Control Panel. So
Vista Basic this requires a reg edit.

Also, somewhere along the line one might have to reboot to get it all to
show :)

For email:
guidsaucy at hotmail dot com

in messageI have two laptops configured for Workgroup mode and I need to hide a
account but still be able to log on as that user account as well as
as the local Admin account. Any thoughts?

Also, when logging on as a standard user, Vista does not allow running
programs as an Admin account? Is M$ serious or am I just missing

Quick, correct answers will merit you a Gold Star for the day and my
eternal gratitude.

Thanks in advance,

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