
Anyone know why after starting my computer -even from sleep mode- my hardrive
has a five minute orgasm? I clicks so much I think its gonna puke. I am not
using W-Defender and think it must be Task Scheduler doing the nasty. But


Get all your data backed up IMMEDIATELY! Clicking sounds and the drive
thrashing are usually indications that the hard drive is about to have a
mechanical failure!

Also, if it does have a mechanical failure, to the point that the drive
actually won't boot, then you MAY be able to recover some of your data by
removing the drive, putting it in the freezer for about 30 - 40 minutes, and
then putting it back into the system and BACKING UP ANYTHING YOU CAN!

SOMETIMES that will allow the drive to start and you only have about 20
minutes before it fails. You may be able to do that about 2 or 3 times...
But, depending on the severity of the mechanical failure, it may or may not
boot even though you may be able to get it to "spin up" and remove data from
it as a SLAVE drive...


Bill Wood said:
Also, if it does have a mechanical failure, to the point that the drive
actually won't boot, then you MAY be able to recover some of your data by
removing the drive, putting it in the freezer for about 30 - 40 minutes,
then putting it back into the system and BACKING UP ANYTHING YOU CAN!

I think new installs of Vista do tend to do a lot of disk thrashing for the
first couple of days, after that time it tends to die off. If it does
happen to be a drive on the way out and you follow the freezer advice above
please remember, to put the drive in an anti-static bag and dont put it in
the freezer and then forget about it!



LOL yes I always foget it when I put a Coke in the freezer on a hot day.
And then its all ice when I finaly remember it.
I dont think a HDD would like that wary much :)

If you are just talking about the disk working a lot then I think thats
My disk works a lot a few minutes after I have started it and also it works
a lot when it set up a new recovery point.
And it sometimes works a lot with some files in System Volume Information.

Its realy nice that you can see how much B/min programs are reading/writing
to the disk in Vista.

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