Vista loses profile on Restart



Hi all,

Hope someone has a solution to the problem I'm experiencing.
I did an inplace upgrade from Win XP Pro (SP2) on SONY VAIO laptop with 2GB

Left it running overnight. Upgrade went fine but system is running much
slower than before upgrade.

Everytime I restart Vista, I loose all the changes I have made to my profile.
Internet Explorer favourites, Outlook/Exchange server Settings, Keyboard,
Language, locales.

It seems to be creating a new profile each time I login after a restart.

The laptop is joined remotely to a WIN2K3 Domain.

Any suggestions welcome and thanks in advance for your help.





Turn OFF UAC before making changes. User Account Control will not allow
your changes to be saved when it is on. So, turn it off and make the changes
you want. Reboot to see if they stay as you set them. If they do, you can
turn UAC back on and your settings should remain as they are now.


Check if your WIN2K3 is enforcing your desktop settings, remember WIN2K3
saves your desktop configuration and enforce it when u log into the domain.
(even from different PC)



I've already turned off UAC and it doesn't make any difference.


The PC is not connected physically to the Domain and I was using it like
this with XP Pro installed.

Additional info: under user profile, the account is of type local and the
status is Temporary.

Thanks both for your suggestions.

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