Virus scan



Hello all, I have a Win 2000 Pro computer with Office 2000
and Norton Antivirus 2004 installed on it.

When I have tried to open any of the Words (.DOC) or Excel
(.XLS) file, there's a comment on the bottom left corner
saying "Requesting virus scan...". This feature caused me
to wait a long time before I can finally open the file.

How can I disable the feature?



PS - I have tried changing the Macro security setting
to "low" but the virus scan request is still active.


SOP with Norton trashware.

johnf 202 at hotmail dot com

| Hello all, I have a Win 2000 Pro computer with Office 2000
| and Norton Antivirus 2004 installed on it.
| When I have tried to open any of the Words (.DOC) or Excel
| (.XLS) file, there's a comment on the bottom left corner
| saying "Requesting virus scan...". This feature caused me
| to wait a long time before I can finally open the file.
| How can I disable the feature?
| Thanks,
| Devin
| PS - I have tried changing the Macro security setting
| to "low" but the virus scan request is still active.

Dave Peterson

Myrna Larson posted this to a similar post:

Are you using Norton Anti-virus? If so, for the 2002 version under
disable the Office PlugIn.

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