


I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could learn or research more
about V-lookups. I saw somebody use v-lookups to cross reference two excel
data sets and find the entries that do not match. I don't know how they were
able to compare these two data sets using v-lookup tool. If anybody could
tell me how they did this or tell me where I could look to learn this I would
appreciate it.



Thank you Debra for your response but unfortunately it does not answer my
question. I am looking to compare to separate data sets and cross reference
those to find the values that are not found on both data sets. If you know
how to do this or if anybody else does I would appreciate some help.



One way in which it can answer your question:

Say you have in list 1 at:
Column A
1 ant
2 pig
3 cat
4 mouse
5 dog
6 rat
7 fly

And on list 2 at:
Column E
1 rat
2 owl
3 pig
4 fly
5 cat
6 dog
7 ant

In B1, enter this formula:

And copy down to B7.

Next, in F1 enter this formula:

And copy down to F7.

NOW, B1 to B7 will display the matching data from Column E.
If there is no match found to Column A in Column E, you'll see a #N/A error.

The same thing will happen in F1 to F7, pertaining to matches found in
Column A.

Is that, or is that not, the type of information you're looking for?

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