USR Modem Installation Problem



I have a new PC with Win XP Pro. I removed the modem that
came with the manchine and upgraded to a USR internal
modem in a PC slot. I uninstalled the modem. I am having
several problems and I'm would appreciate comments on a
solution and sequence of issues to address. Win XP does
not detect the modem, so I tried to install it manually.
During the installation the wizard required me to identify
a COM port to assign to it. There were no COM ports
listed. COM1 was the only COM port listed in Device
Manager. I added COM3, but it tells me there aren't
sufficient resourcs to install the COM port.(I'm sure the
new computer has enough resources!) With XP do I have to
1st install a COM port and then install the Modem? (Isn't
that automatic??) Thanks for any help.

The Unknown P

The process seems rather complicated and it is harder than
you may think. You will not only have to remove the modem
and reboot without it but you will have to go into the
device manager and make sure it is uninstalled and you
will have to go into the control panel\network connections
and delete any connections that you set up to use your old
modem or the modem you want to reinstall. Oddly enough the
port configuration is found here>control panel\printers
and faxes\toolbar-file\server properties\ports tab. Add
and remove as well as configure here. Once you have been
sure to remove all traces of the modem make sure that it
isn't still shown in things like IE\tools\internet
options\connections tab. Once it is gone from all
locations you can think of (even check your mail program)
then reinstall the modem and reboot. Keep smiling.

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