Using NETSH to add a new protocol, client, or service.


Mark K Vallevand

I have a network protocol that I want added to the network stack for certain
NICs. I can do this using the network configuration GUI. I can't find a
way to do this using NETSH.

Anyone know how to use NETSH to add a protocol, client or service?

Is there more appropriate place to ask? Yes, this is XPe work. I really
need to do this automatically because my machine is headless and tweeking
network settings while using remote desktop is a bit risky, but not
impossible. I have a prototype machine that does have a local kb/monitor,
so I can setup some networking stuff, but its not exactly the same hardware
a the real machine.

I have the source for the network protocol driver and it's configuration GUI
plug-in. But, I'm not making too many changes to it yet. It looks like
there is a way to create plug-ins for NETSH, too. Anyone have information
on that?

Mark K Vallevand

My only question is the same as Joerg. I have 3 adapters and all three have
the new protocol. How do I remove the binding to one of them?

Mark K Vallevand
Mark K Vallevand said:
Great. Wonderful. This is exactly what I needed.

Andy Allred [MS]

in that case you're probably going have to do the original solution you
were thinking of and that's netsh. i've never tried binding to just a
single nic, and when the adapter guid is being created *during* setup,
i would think you'd have to know this value so you can target a
specific adapter. This is also probably the reason networking is
configured online instead of offline in TD.

Sorry Mark. Here's some netsh help:

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Mark,

Use bindview sample from DDK.

Best regards,

Mark K Vallevand said:
My only question is the same as Joerg. I have 3 adapters and all three have
the new protocol. How do I remove the binding to one of them?

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