Use of History command in MS-DOS Window


Phil Bie

I still use the ms-dos window to enter many commands. I'm
spoiled by previous versions of dos that recorded a
history of the dos commands, so that I could just hit the
up or down arrows to bring back a previous command. I'm
using Windows XP for the first time, and it doesn't seem
to have this feature in the ms-dos window. Is it there
and just needs to be "turned on" somehow? Or is it no
longer available in the Windows XP version of DOS
( ?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Check the properties by right-clicking the header bar, that function (up)
still works for me.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Phil Bie

Hi Rick,
Thanks for the quick response.
I tried increasing the the buffer size and the number of
buffers in the "Command History" section under
Properties. I'm still not getting the "up" arrow to bring
back previous dos commands. Is there something else to
check ?

Crash and Burn

Had the same problem..... see next post.

Here is the solution (at least for me), I used to start the "command" window
with "run command", if I use "run cmd" the functionality is there


Phil Bie

Hey Crash and Burn

Run CMD worked! Thanks for getting my beloved "history"
command working again.

Thomas Wendell

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think command history or like
functionality is not available in Start/Run->command.
But it is in Start/Run->cmd

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