USB Drives not appearing in Explorer




A user here is having problems with her USB Drives not appearing in windows
explorer. Even though they are showing up as detected and are in device

When I log in as myself it works fine. I have reset her profile to a brand
new profile, and yet it still does the same thing. Her USB Phone Syncs fine.
But all USB Drives do not appear in explorer as a drive letter at all.

Any help appreciated.


I use TweakUI to adjust Autoplay. It's available here:

Once installed, you can access the program from the Start Menu
in the Powertoys for Windows XP folder.
Run the program and click on the + sign next to My Computer.
Click on the + sign next to Autoplay.
Click on Types.
Make sure there's a check mark in both of the boxes listed for
Autoplay Drive Types.
Next, click on Drives and make sure there's a check mark next
to all the drives you want to use Autoplay.


Yeah i was thinking about trying that too.

But i managed to fix it. Her Mapped drives were using all the closest drive
letters (E: F: etc) so i changed them around and left E and F free for the
usb drives, and it appears to be working now! But for how long! :p

Cheers for the help anyways! :)

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