Windows 10 Upgrading from Windows 7 or 8? You'll love Windows 10


Jan 31, 2005
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Nice little article detailing the changes in Windows 10. I for one will be jumping on it. What about you?

Over the six years since Windows 7 was released, Microsoft has made its PC operating system far more intuitive and powerful by packing it with tablet- and smartphone-like features.

A lot of those features debuted with Windows 8, but they still weren't working perfectly.

Microsoft went back to the drawing board with Windows 10 to develop an operating system that will be familiar to Windows 7 users but doesn't compromise on modern features. (Note: You're not crazy -- Microsoft skipped Windows 9 altogether.)
Over the six years since Windows 7 was released, Microsoft has made its PC operating system far more intuitive and powerful by packing it with tablet- and smartphone-like features.

Wha? That's exactly what was wrong with it. And has it really been six years? Good grief, couldda sworn Win 7 was younger than that. Released in 2009 eh?

As I've said before, when the chance comes to snag Win 10 for free, I'll back up Win 7 and try it. If I like it, I'll keep it (and I hope I do like it tbh) but if it sucks as much as their last effort then a dinosaur I shall be and reload Win 7.

We shall see.
Yup, I'll be jumping on Windows 10 too - there are a few features that will convince me to upgrade, even if I'm not entirely sold on the remaining modern UI elements! It's at a price I like too ;).
Just one thought, my wife suffers from severe Dyslexia and although I also do but not to any extent, but for her moving from W7 to W10 may be a problem as the layout and graphics seem a little chaotic in that the start screen is full of icons and could cause her problems, any thoughts would be welcome.
If she stayed with W7 I wonder how long it would be supported by Microsoft before they pulled the plug on it?
Just one thought, my wife suffers from severe Dyslexia and although I also do but not to any extent, but for her moving from W7 to W10 may be a problem as the layout and graphics seem a little chaotic in that the start screen is full of icons and could cause her problems, any thoughts would be welcome.
If she stayed with W7 I wonder how long it would be supported by Microsoft before they pulled the plug on it?

As well as Windows 7 having plenty of life left in it, I'm pretty positive that there will be theme packs and ways of making Windows 10 look very similar to Windows 7. There are some that do a very good job with Windows 8 and I imagine they'll port them over to Windows 10 too :).
Well now it is December and as you know I have decamped from W10 what do other what were exuberant members think of W10 now that you have been using it for a little while:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::cry::cry::cry::cry:
I like it, theres nothing wrong with it really. Though I do use Start10 as I don't care for the live tiles and want a fast functional start menu which for me Start10 is more so than the default menu.

Next time I do a fresh install I'll use my Win 7 Ulti disk then I can upgrade to 10 Pro as my Win 8 disk is only home. Other than that its all good.
I have W10 on my laptop and like it. May have a look at Start10 which @V_R mentioned. Still got W7 on my desktop for now.