upgraded from XP Home to Pro and lost USBs



I just purchased a brand new Compaq Presario which came
loaded with XP Home. Preferring the added functionality
in XP Pro I upgraded. Now, I'm unable to access any of
the USB ports or the built in card readers. Because I
upgraded HP won't offer me any support unless I strip the
system back to its original state, which I'd really
prefer not to do. Anyone know if/how I can fix this by
updating drivers, etc.?
Thanks for any advice!

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

You need the proper supporting drivers from Compaq. Proprietary hardware
needs proprietary drivers, and these aren't in the retail version. If the pc
maker doesn't have them up for download, then there is likely little you can
do. You might ask Compaq to see if there is a system-specific Pro upgrade
that will have the needed drivers.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


-----Original Message-----
I just purchased a brand new Compaq Presario which came
loaded with XP Home. Preferring the added functionality
in XP Pro I upgraded. Now, I'm unable to access any of
the USB ports or the built in card readers. Because I
upgraded HP won't offer me any support unless I strip the
system back to its original state, which I'd really
prefer not to do. Anyone know if/how I can fix this by
updating drivers, etc.?
Thanks for any advice!
Yeah, most likely, check the update site to get all of
the updates you are now lacking, and just go to their
website and get the new drivers anyways. If it no workie
then, the problem may reside in the old drivers that were
previously installed, or even some pre-installed apps,
good luck.


thanks for the additional info... I'll see if I can track
down those proprietary drivers and if not, I guess I'll
back up the drive and start over.

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