upgrade patch e mail



i keep getting the same E mail at least 10 times daily

"Microsoft Customer

this is the latest version of security update,
the "February 2004, Cumulative Patch" update which fixes
all known security vulnerabilities affecting MS Internet
Explorer, MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express. Install now
to maintain the security of your computer from these
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow an
attacker to run code on your system. This update includes
the functionality of all previously released patches. "

and there is a attached file (install5.exe). The page
looks liek a microsoft e mail and all the liks work to
bring me to microsofts page but im pretty sure this is a
fake thing to get me to install some virus. does anyone
else constantly get this e mail?

Shenan Stanley

Brett said:
i keep getting the same E mail at least 10 times daily

"Microsoft Customer

this is the latest version of security update,
the "February 2004, Cumulative Patch" update which fixes
all known security vulnerabilities affecting MS Internet
Explorer, MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express. Install now
to maintain the security of your computer from these
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow an
attacker to run code on your system. This update includes
the functionality of all previously released patches. "

and there is a attached file (install5.exe). The page
looks liek a microsoft e mail and all the liks work to
bring me to microsofts page but im pretty sure this is a
fake thing to get me to install some virus. does anyone
else constantly get this e mail?

Anyone who posted here without at least munging their email likely are
getting these emails and their likes.

They are fake. Delete them. And as you have tried the links in them, I
suggest scanning for viruses, trojans, spyware, adware and other malware!


Sounds like a virus to me. I've never received any of these e-mails, but
many people have. Also, Microsoft never sends such e-mails.

Ramesh [MVP]


Don't provide your original email address in Newsgroups. That's the cause for these virus emails. And, Microsoft *NEVER* distributes software via email. The mail which you received is not from Microsoft, though the return address says so.

Virus attachment claims to contain software updates from Microsoft

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
How to guard against CoolWebSearch spyware:

i keep getting the same E mail at least 10 times daily

"Microsoft Customer

this is the latest version of security update,
the "February 2004, Cumulative Patch" update which fixes
all known security vulnerabilities affecting MS Internet
Explorer, MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express. Install now
to maintain the security of your computer from these
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow an
attacker to run code on your system. This update includes
the functionality of all previously released patches. "

and there is a attached file (install5.exe). The page
looks liek a microsoft e mail and all the liks work to
bring me to microsofts page but im pretty sure this is a
fake thing to get me to install some virus. does anyone
else constantly get this e mail?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


It's fake, Microsoft does not distribute patches this way. In reality, it is
a copy of the Swen virus trying to fool you into installing it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

What you received is the output of a computer infected by one of
several widely publicized, wide-spread, mass emailing worms. The
virus' authors have deliberately spoofed the Microsoft information in
the hopes of garnering more victims. This sort of email has been
quite common for at least the past 9 months. The most widely-known

http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected]

http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected]

http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected]


Microsoft never has, does not currently, and very probably never
will email unsolicited security patches. At the most, if, and only
if, you subscribe to their security notification newsletter, they will
send you an email informing you that a new patch is available for

Microsoft Policies on Software Distribution

Information on Bogus Microsoft Security Bulletin Emails

How to Tell If a Microsoft Security-Related Message Is Genuine

Remember, any and all legitimate patches and updates are readily
available at http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/. You should develop
the habit of checking this site at least once a month to keep your
computer up-to-date. (Notice that this is the true URL, rather than
the bogus one that may have been contained in the email you received.)
Any messages that point to any other source(s) or claim to have the
patch attached are bogus.

You're receiving these emails because your email address is in
the address book of someone infected with a worm, and/or because you
posted your real email address somewhere on-line, either in a forum
accessible to the public and spambots, such as Usenet, or on an
untrustworthy web site that subsequently sold your address as part of
a mailing list. One thing you can do is notify _everyone_ with whom
you've ever corresponded via email that one or more of them may be
infected with a mass emailing worm, and should take the appropriate

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Gene K

Rick said:

It's fake, Microsoft does not distribute patches this way. In
reality, it is a copy of the Swen virus trying to fool you into
installing it.

Also, get with your ISP and immediately change your E-mail address since it
has fallen into the wrong hands.
Gene K


Gene K said:
Also, get with your ISP and immediately change your E-mail address since it
has fallen into the wrong hands.
Gene K

Not necessarily at all. It might be from a friend or genuine correspondent
(in fact that is more than probable) who is infected.

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