Updating Excel Data on Multiple Sheets



Have a master sheet with several subordinate sheets with same data but in
different format. Subordinate sheets update when master changes except if
cells are moved on master. Then formula relationship is lost and all that's
left to do is copy and paste. Is there a way to keep the reference to the
master sheet intact even if the cells are moved.


When you say "sheets", I assume you're talking about worksheets in the same
workbook ... Correct?

When you say the "master" changes, the subs update, you mean that the subs
are linked *TO* the master ... Correct?

Well, if that's the case, could you describe *exactly* how you set up the
link between the sheets, because when you change the cell's position on the
master, either by inserting rows and/or columns, or you manually move the
cells, the links on the sub sheets should follow *any* changes made to the
master's cell addresses.

If you select a cell on the master, right click and choose "Copy", then
navigate to a sub cell, right click in the appropriate cell and choose
"Paste Special", then click on "Paste Link", you should create a link that
will follow any changes made to the location of a cell on the master sheet.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Have a master sheet with several subordinate sheets with same data but in
different format. Subordinate sheets update when master changes except if
cells are moved on master. Then formula relationship is lost and all that's
left to do is copy and paste. Is there a way to keep the reference to the
master sheet intact even if the cells are moved.

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