Unwanted font change in powerpoint when cutting and pasting



With the current template we are using whenever we cut/copy and paste text in
the existing format - Ariel 14, it pastes in format Times Roman 18. This is
becoming increasingy annoying and time consuming.

I'm sure there is a straightforward way of fixing this but unfortunately I
am too technically inept to work it out - all suggestions much appreciated!

Michael Koerner

Have you tried using the Paste Special and selecting either formatted or
unformatted text? Whichever version of PowerPoint your using make sure that
all the updates have been done.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| With the current template we are using whenever we cut/copy and paste text
| the existing format - Ariel 14, it pastes in format Times Roman 18. This
| becoming increasingy annoying and time consuming.
| I'm sure there is a straightforward way of fixing this but unfortunately I
| am too technically inept to work it out - all suggestions much

Echo S

Set your default textbox to Arial 14 also.

Create a textbox that's formatted the way you want it to be, with Arial 14
as the font. Then right-click and choose "set autoshapes default."
Also, after you've set your auto textbox, you'll want to draw an actual
autoshape (rectangle, oval, etc.) and reset its autoshape defaults, too.

Do the following in this order:
1. Right-click the textbox and choose "set autoshape default."
2. Right-click one of the autoshapes and choose "set autoshape default."

It's a little bizarre, but just trust me that you want to set the autoshape
default on the textbox first. Then you want to reset the actual autoshape

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