Unable to load certain websites



I''m having a problem loading certain Websites where I believe I have stored
One of the sites is classmates.com, I can go into the site and view my
school information, but when I click on more details it just freezes up and
does northing, yet when I try from another pc(work, friends etc) it works
fine. Also having the same issue with another website in accessing their
online"bulletin board" With this site I typically get an "Action cancelled
page" and once again can access it from other pc's fine.
I also have MOZILLA and get the same error s in that program, leading me
to believe its a isuue with my Windows program(Windows 2000 sp2). the issue
with Classmates has been going on for about 6-8 months(2 different ISP's),
issues at the other website just started in the pat 2-3 weeks now.
i've also tried to disable all firewalls, and delete all cookies but
northing is helping. Can someone please help....?????


Robert Aldwinckle

JEFF said:
Further comment..when I tried one of the websites I'm having problems with I
got this error. website link is
http://www.moac.org/beta-frame-calendar2.html afriend tried it right after
me(a few seconds and it worked fine.

Bad Gateway
The following error occurred:
 A DNS lookup error occurred.[/QUOTE]

What does  nslookup  show for that server name?

FWIW  here is what mine shows if you need a comparison.

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    www.moac.org

Try  ping -n 1  www.moac.org
(This is to test the address resolution not the connectivity.)
Does it show the same address being used?

If not you must be getting a wrong address from HOSTS
or from your  OS  dnscache.   The latter is less likely but you need
to be aware of your  dnscache  if you make changes to your  HOSTS.
E.g.  try the following  command pipeline:

ipconfig  /displaydns  |  find  /i  "moac"

If that finds a entry before deleting an entry for  moac  from  HOSTS
you would find the same entry after that until you entered:

ipconfig  /flushdns

If the address resolution seems to be fine the next thing to do
is try to verify connectivity to that server without using  IE.
E.g. if you have a different browser and it connects fine
your symptom has a completely different meaning than
if neither browser can connect.

If you don't have another browser you can check that there is
an open port 80 there and even simulate some of what IE does
using your  telnet  command.

E.g.  enter:   telnet  www.moac.org  80
If the screen clears you have proof that there is a port 80 open.
Often at this point it is sufficient to enter  GET /
(That's GET<space><slash><Enter>.)
Unfortunately, this particular site apparently requires more specificity
in our requests.

However, if you get that far rather than try to figure out a better
simulation you would probably be further ahead to assume that
your symptom has more to do with an error induced by an
AutoSearch hijacker.   See others' posts for information on how
to check for and deal with that possibility.


Robert Aldwinckle

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