Unable to install temporary files in windows directory!



I have an old program on 6 floppy discs. (Family tree maker (1995)).
I had this on my old Windows 95 computer and it worked great.
I am trying to install the Program onto my new computer (Windows XP) and I
get the following message...

Family Tree Maker Setup
Unable to install temporary files in windows directory. You may be low on
disc space, low on memory, or experiencing a problem with your hard drive.
Please close all other applications and free up space on your hard drive,
then try again. (3,0)

I have plenty of space, plenty of memory, and no other applications running.
I have tried to run the Install Application using the Win 95 via
'compatibility mode'... no help! I have saved it to hard drive and tried
installing from there. Same Problem!

Can anyone help please?? Nobby11


Nobby11 said:
I have an old program on 6 floppy discs. (Family tree maker (1995)).
I had this on my old Windows 95 computer and it worked great.
I am trying to install the Program onto my new computer (Windows XP) and I
get the following message...

Family Tree Maker Setup
Unable to install temporary files in windows directory. You may be low on
disc space, low on memory, or experiencing a problem with your hard drive.
Please close all other applications and free up space on your hard drive,
then try again. (3,0)

Just a long shot here...
but XP is sometimes installed in a WINNT folder rather than a flder named

Have a look on your C: drive and if you do not have an actual WINDOWS
folder. create one...
and create a temp folder within it

May not work, but it's worth a try

post back

BTW: If you cannot get it working at all...see if the company has an upgrade
for XP

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