Unable to connect to the server SMTP Server error 0x800ccc0e



I can receive e-mails but cannot send them out. Up to few days ago, I was
using Outlook perfectly. I can't say what changed. Actually, nothing i can
think of

When I click 'Send/Receive' I get the following error message:
Unable to connect to the server (Account: 'xxxxx', SMTP "Server:
'smtp.mail.yahoo.com.br , Error " Number 0x800ccc0e).

Looking up at Microsoft help page, I read I need to use a MSN account if I
intend to use Messenger (because it wouldn't allow a SMTP other than MSN). I
simply refuse to be forced to use a different SMTP. That one I was using,
worked perfectly for years!
Here some data that may help identify a solution:
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 7.0
Microsoft Outlook 2000 SR-1 (



Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - smtp.mail.yahoo.com (port 25)

If you choose to not use SSL for SMTP, your email client will likely default
the SMTP port to 25. If your ISP blocks port 25 or if you're unable to send
email, then you will need to use port 587 when sending via Yahoo!'s SMTP

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