Ultra DMA Support GONE?



I am have been running Windows XP Home for almost a year on a computer I built. However, I noticed a week or so ago that it was getting really slow, both in startup and normal opertion. After searching the web I checked my DMA setting for my hard drive. Instead of using DMA its using something called PIO. I think this is a much slower transfer protocol

Since I first put this machine together I know I have been running DMA, why would it switch all of a sudden

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


Read this article: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx, you will find the answer.

Just my 2¢ worth
__________in response to__________
| I am have been running Windows XP Home for almost a year on a computer I built. However, I noticed a week or so ago that it was getting really slow, both in startup and normal opertion. After searching the web I checked my DMA setting for my hard drive. Instead of using DMA its using something called PIO. I think this is a much slower transfer protocol.
| Since I first put this machine together I know I have been running DMA, why would it switch all of a sudden?
| Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


----- LJT wrote: ----

I am have been running Windows XP Home for almost a year on a computer I built. However, I noticed a week or so ago that it was getting really slow, both in startup and normal opertion. After searching the web I checked my DMA setting for my hard drive. Instead of using DMA its using something called PIO. I think this is a much slower transfer protocol

Since I first put this machine together I know I have been running DMA, why would it switch all of a sudden

Does anyone know how to fix this problem

After X amount of errors DMA will drop a level say from DMA4 to DMA3 until it drops into PIO mode (I used that example for lack of a better one). In device manager uninstall the controller that is affected (Secondary?).Then open control panel and open "add hardware" it will automatically reinstall the controller and it should be set back to DMA.

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